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Localizations for not English speaking people

Wurmlochreisender Junior Member
edited December 1969 in iOS

it seems to me, that 1P for iPhone OS does not with other languages beside English what makes it useless for some people I know and are looking for such a product on their iPhone.

But also personally I would like see a translation into my first language (in my case German), it just looks and feels better to me when everything is in my own language and not a mix of English and German and this goes especially for programs I use often and 1P is one of them.

If you look at the comments in iTunes store you can also see that many others are waiting for this, I also saw some 1 star ratings because of the lack of localizations (I didn't do that).

Thanks, beside that a great product (y)


  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited December 1969
    Thank you very much for the kind words!

    While we'd like to support language localizations in the mobile apps it's not something that we're prepared to do at this time. Over time it would be nice to have but there's no timeframe for it.
  • DK2K
    DK2K Junior Member
    edited December 1969

    I also would like to request translations into other languages, even though I don't feel this being necessary for me personally this would allow me recommending this great app to more people :-)

    Also I noticed some negative feedbacks in the iTunes store because of the lack of localizations, here I made screenshots of just two of them:



    I really don't think that these feedbacks are fair because it is clear from the description of the app that it is English only for now, but I also can understand that people who missed this are angry/disappointed having an app after paying money they can't use :-(

    Also many people probably assume this being translated as the Mac version is and many iTunes store apps are also.

    Looking forward to updated versions which make this wonderful app accessible to everone ;-)

  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Thank you for your feedback, DK2K, and welcome to the forums. As Marty was saying we'd love to offer 1Password for iPhone OS in other languages but don't have a timeframe for when that will be possible.