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Wrong Unlock Code

<div class="IPBDescription">This is not a helpful error message!</div>This is a very irritating message to be left staring at! I've tried every number I could possibly consider setting for a 4-digit number, including my bank pin, 0000, 1234, and 1111. I can't fathom why I'd set a number so immediately forgettable as an unlock code, and I suspect it's managed to corrupt itself the first time I tried to test out the app. For an app supposedly all about passwords, you don't really have much of a plan for what would happen to users who run into problems WITH passwords. Not even a warning message about the time delays?

This is only the second time I've launched this app and being unable to do anything with it doesn't instill much faith in being able to store passwords in it safely, nor does it make me want to buy the desktop app. I can only guess at what I need to do to wipe it and start over, since there is absolutely no mention anywhere on how to actually do such a thing!

Why am I being locked out of my own phone for X minutes anyway? If you're trying to guard against automated hacking you should just wipe the database after a huge volume of tries, instead of setting 1 minute delays after the first few tries done directly from the touchscreen.


  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    You are correct the lock out is a security measure.

    Agile from a security standpoint doesnt allow for retreiving forgotten passwords pins no one but you will ever know you code pin etc.

    To start over simply delete the app from your phone and then reinstall it.
  • macpug
    macpug Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='Tim van der Horst' timestamp='1282610913' post='9645']

    I can only guess at what I need to do to wipe it and start over, since there is absolutely no mention anywhere on how to actually do such a thing!


    Hi Tim, welcome to the forums. I'm sorry for your frustration. If you cannot remember the unlock code, you will need to delete the 1Password touch app from your device and start over.

    Whether you reset the database, or uninstall 1Password touch and start over: if you have previously synced your 1Password data with 1Password on your Mac, you can easily restore your 1Password data during the next Wi-Fi sync. Likewise, if you used the built-in "backup and restore" feature to save a backup copy of your 1Password data, you can use it again to restore that saved backup file.

    The desktop app has a risk-free 30-day trial. You can give it a try and use all its features, even syncing your iPhone. Give it a go and see what you think.

    Regarding wiping the iPhone after many failed attempts...after much discussion, we decided against this. The scenario of someone having a toddler find their phone and accidentally wipe it while playing with it was too scary <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> We'll let folks initiate their own remote wipe using MobileMe if they need it. Sometimes it's tough walking a fine line between convenience and security. We're sure to not please everyone, but we try <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />