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Fill username and Passwort website

<div class="IPBDescription">Fill username and Passwort in a wbsite</div>Hello,

I bought me yesterday the Ipad version of 1Password. I have testet a liitle bit with the application and now I have one problem.

I want to connect to the following website and 1Password should fill in the needed username and passwort:

The Problem is that the passwort will be entered in the correct field but the field for the username is empty.

I have triedf 'Username', 'Email' and so on but it will not work.

I have the same problem with some otter websites but other will work fine.

May I ASK you for your help.

Many thanks for you help in advance.



  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='mdrews' timestamp='1282647575' post='9677']


    I bought me yesterday the Ipad version of 1Password.


    Hi, Mike. Thank you very much. I am sure that you will be very happy with it.


    I want to connect to the following website and 1Password should fill in the needed username and passwort:

    The Problem is that the passwort will be entered in the correct field but the field for the username is empty.

    I have triedf 'Username', 'Email' and so on but it will not work.[/quote]

    In this case the the best name for the username field is [code]formdata[email][/code]

    Here is a picture of the setting for that form

    1Password on Mac and on Windows can learn this kind of data (which is how I discovered the proper field names for this particular form.) So if you have 1Password on Mac or Windows and are syncing your data with the iPad, this process is simple.

    We are looking toward bringing similar technology to 1Password on iOS, but I can't make any promises about when that will be available. Also we may have some other tricks up our sleeves that I will say even less about.

    In the meantime, you can continue to ask for help, though we can't commit to looking up the details of each and every site. Maybe other members of the community here who do have 1Password on Mac or PC can chip in with such help.

    Also it is possible to determine the proper field names by looking at the HTML source of the web pages. In general you should be looking for things like


    <input type=text name="FIELD-NAME" ...>


    Where "FIELD-NAME" (without the quotes) is the appropriate field name.

    I hope that this provides some help.


  • Hi jpgoldberg,

    Many thanks for your quick help.

    For the requested website the solution has worked fine.

    I will test the solution for the other sites.

    If I need additional help I will come back to you.

    Many thanks
