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Common folder practice???

<div class="IPBDescription">Organizing entries...</div>I think when you click "Logins", you see a set of folders. You can then organize all your websites into organized folders. (ie.. Development, Email Servers, Social Sites, Fitness & Health, Gaming Sites, etc...) And I even have subfolders under those to organize a bit better.

When you click "Wallet" you should get a new set of folders. Maybe you can separate out wallet items by makeing a folder for each different person or folders for entry types.

When you click "Software" You can choose to create folders again, or not.

When you click "Secure Notes", again a new set of folders. This would rock since Secure Note types could really vary in types. ie... Serial Numbers, Vehicle information, Codes, Perscriptions, etc...

*** Also, these folders should be accessable/visible on the iOS platforms. (iPad, iPhone, etc...)



  • I'm the opposite. I want a folder (category) to contain EVERYTHING related whether it's a 'secure note', a 'wallet item', an 'identity, etc. Just like my file cabinet: I want everything related to a credit card together (both the card info, the web site, payment info, etc). But I'll admit I'd like subfolders or a way to relate things. For example, I have a registered copy of 1Password for Windows, a copy for my iphone, and a 'login' record for this forum.

    I used to have a product with hierarchical folders. So I had one 'master' folder for my work stuff, one for my husbands stuff, and one for my stuff (he dealt with his work stuff on his own (*grin*). It was a good way to simply keep things 'sorted', and when I got laid off, it was easy to get rid of a bunch of obsolete information. That was handy.

    Good luck,