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Where should the .ws.agile.1password.settings file be located in DropBox?

Teaman Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Should it be inside or outside the agileKeyChain folder/</div>I created a folder called 1Password in my DropBox and moved my AgileKeyChain file (folder) there. I now find that when I login to my DropBox account that a file .ws.agile.1password.settings is located at the same level as the 1Password folder I created and dumped the AgileKeyChain file into. Seems it should go into this 1Password folder as well. I fear corrupting things if I try and move it.

What should I do? Ignore it? Delete it? Move it?


  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    [quote name='Teaman' timestamp='1283799604' post='10620']

    I created a folder called 1Password in my DropBox and moved my AgileKeyChain file (folder) there. I now find that when I login to my DropBox account that a file .ws.agile.1password.settings is located at the same level as the 1Password folder I created and dumped the AgileKeyChain file into. Seems it should go into this 1Password folder as well. I fear corrupting things if I try and move it.

    What should I do? Ignore it? Delete it? Move it?


    It belongs in the root of your Dropbox folder, (or just inside the Dropbox folder itself) Do not delete it. It is a file to show the location to the 1password keychain when using the Dropbox sync feature in the iOS app.
  • [quote name='thightower' timestamp='1283800342' post='10622']

    It belongs in the root of your Dropbox folder, (or just inside the Dropbox folder itself) Do not delete it. It is a file to show the location to the 1password keychain when using the Dropbox sync feature in the iOS app.


    Hey. This is kind of rubbish. Now my otherwise-tidy Dropbox root folder is always going to have this junky-looking file in it? I don't even have an iPhone!

    Can I not get rid of this, permanently?

    Hiding the file isn't really adequate - I'm a programmer and work with 'show hidden files' on. I just want it gone.
  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='Jonathan Hartley' timestamp='1292339719' post='17568']

    Hey. This is kind of rubbish. Now my otherwise-tidy Dropbox root folder is always going to have this junky-looking file in it? I don't even have an iPhone![/quote]

    It is ugly, I admit. Unfortunately it has to be in the root of your Dropbox folder because that is the only Dropbox folder we can count on existing. It needs to be some place we can always find.

    For a while we explored using a specific Dropbox service, but this made the initial configuration more complicated and fragile.

    [quote]Can I not get rid of this, permanently?[/quote]

    If you are not syncing with iOS, you can safely remove the file. It will be recreated every time you move your 1Password data or let a new copy of 1Password know about where your 1Password.agilekeychain is.

    Just a couple of things to note if you do remove it.


    [*] It will get recreated occasionally.

    [*] If, in the future, you do get 1Password on iOS or Android syncing won't work until you get 1Password on Mac or PC to recreate the file.

    [*] When you set up 1Password on Mac or Windows with Dropbox already in place, 1Password won't detect and prompt about using your data already in Dropbox. You are going to have to seek that out manually. (Just double clicking on 1Password.agilekeychain should do the job)

    [*] We may in the future make more use of that file; so removing the file might break things in future versions.


    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you, but having this thing does allow you you put your 1Password.agilekeychain anywhere in your Dropbox folder that suits your organization of data.

