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1Password sync on Mac with multiple Dropbox accounts

I have 2 dropbox accounts installed simultaneously on my Mac. I'm running OS X 10.6.4, dropbox client v0.7.110, and 1Password 3.3.1. A lot of this has been emails between support staff and myself and I wanted to put all this on the forums for anyone else having this issue.

At first the file wasn't expanding...

I was trying to move the agilekeychain file to DropBox. When I did that, it exploded the .agilekeychain fil. I changed my 1Password file to be on my personal DropBox (I have a personal DropBox and a work DropBox on my Mac). It is under /Users/npaler01/DropBox2/Dropbox/1Password/. When I go to that location there is a 1Password.html and a bunch of directories.

Solution: I just added the .agilekeychain extension (so it was /Users/npaler01/DropBox2/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) onto the top directory according to forum page: [url=""][/url] That worked, at least for 1Password to read it.

Then my iPad & iPhone could not see the file. It existed on my personal dropbox but the devices would not see it. WiFi sync worked fine at this point. I sent support my diagnostics report from 1Password. Turns out 1Password is looking in my work dropbox location and not my personal one. Support says, "the Diagnostics Report is reporting that your ~/.dropbox/hosts.db file is reporting your Dropbox folder is /Users/npaler01/Dropbox. It may be that this file is being updated by whichever copy of Dropbox that starts first/last (no way for us to know) and the other location is completely unknown to us." Since I have a lot of work items aliases on my mac to my work dropbox (the /Users/npaler01/Dropbox folder) I would rather not switch them but get my 1Password to work.

I tried starting work first, then personal...then vice versa. No difference. It is worth noting that my 1Password for Mac works just fine. No data loss, it points to the correct location, etc. The actual issue is with my iPhone/iPad, both of which when I try to sync (using my personal dropbox which is the only one that comes up on them): "Failed to find the data file on Dropbox. Please make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password on your Mac or Windows desktop. Also make sure that Dropbox is fully synced on your desktop." So my phone can't see the .agilekeychains file maybe?

This is from my diagnostics report:

Agile Keychain location: /Users/npaler01/DropBox2/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain

In my last email to support, they said "When 1Password on Mac or Windows sees that you have your data in Dropbox it creates a file called .ws.agile.1Password.settings in the root of your Dropbox folder. Note the leading "." on that file name.

The contents of that file is the path, relative to the root of your Dropbox folder, of your 1Password.agilekeychain. If you want to manually tinker with that file, please note that it does not contain a newline or linefeed at the end."

I manually updated this file just now but it still doesn't work. It reads:

myQBIT.local ->cat .ws.agile.1Password.settings


Any help is appreciated. Anyone out there using multiple dropbox clients and have gotten this to work?




  • Something else I should note from my diagnostics report is that the "Dropbox path:" is still reading my work dropbox, not the other one. How do I change this? I thought it was that /Users/npaler01/Dropbox/.ws.agile.1Password.settings file but it appears not to be.

    Dropbox path: /Users/npaler01/Dropbox

    Dropbox 1Password configuration file: 'stat /Users/npaler01/Dropbox' → 234881026 19918219 drwxr-xr-x 23 npaler01 staff 0 782 "Sep 7 16:13:04 2010" "Sep 7 16:12:58 2010" "Sep 7 16:12:59 2010" "Sep 30 12:08:26 2009" 4096 0 0 /Users/npaler01/Dropbox

    Contents of /Users/npaler01/Dropbox/.ws.agile.1Password.settings
