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secure notes and applescript

mkrisch Junior Member
is there anyway to write use applescript to edit secure notes?

i'm looking to have 1password secure a list of OTPs, and have a script to interact with them.

if not with applescript, is there some other approach which could work? i found a quicksilver plugin which claimed to be able to interact with secure notes, so i'm hoping there's some way here.




  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    The 1Password application does not provide for any AppleScript or Automator interactions. We do provide a command-line tool for telling all the 1Password components that the data file is in its locked state. The 3rd-party Quicksilver plugin you're referring to is not interacting with the item's encrypted contents -- just listing the Titles and providing easy ways of getting you to them within the 1Password application.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you.