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Turn Off Wi-Fi Synching ???

Quietwalker Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">pre-purchase question</div>Hello,

I'm extremely happy with 1P syncing w/ dropbox and 3 macs -- and am investigating bringing into the loop an iPhone and also an iPad. The instructions for 1PPro for iPad recite "Do I need to turn off Wi-Fi syncing on my iPhone? Yes, but 1Password will automatically disable that for you when you enable Dropbox syncing." My question: all my devices sync my MobileMe acct perfectly with Wi-Fi in my residence -- why would I want to turn that function off in order to sync Dropbox [or, do I really need to?]? Given my absolutely lousy 3G connection w/ AT&T, such that I had to get a 3GMicroCell Tower, I'm not overjoyed at the thought of turning off wi-fi.

Thanks, in advance.


  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    [quote name='Quietwalker' timestamp='1284170568' post='10829']


    I'm extremely happy with 1P syncing w/ dropbox and 3 macs -- and am investigating bringing into the loop an iPhone and also an iPad. The instructions for 1PPro for iPad recite "Do I need to turn off Wi-Fi syncing on my iPhone? Yes, but 1Password will automatically disable that for you when you enable Dropbox syncing." My question: all my devices sync my MobileMe acct perfectly with Wi-Fi in my residence -- why would I want to turn that function off in order to sync Dropbox [or, do I really need to?]? Given my absolutely lousy 3G connection w/ AT&T, such that I had to get a 3GMicroCell Tower, I'm not overjoyed at the thought of turning off wi-fi.

    Thanks, in advance.


    The 1P app just disables * its * syncing via wifi and switches on its dropbox sync, there is no need to disable your phones wifi access in the iphone settings, nor would you want to.

    I would like to get off topic a little, Do you have an iPhone 4 ? , the reason I ask is my Mcell was wonderful under my 3g but I hate to stoop to this but it really sux for my iphone 4. I was just wondering if you had had bad results out of it etc.

    My problems are failed calls, dropped calls super excessive static, I am awaiting a fix and the internet is loaded with folks having problems with the iphone 4 and the mcell. For the moment I have just unplugged it <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    Sorry gotta slap my hand for getting off topic, but its been slow lately so maybe the guys want kill me for getting a little off topic.
  • macpug
    macpug Agile Customer Care
    Hi Quietwalker, thanks for posting. Tommy's right, you don't need to turn off your Wi-Fi. When you enable Dropbox syncing on your iDevices, they will automatically take care of disabling the Wi-Fi setting, so really, you won't even have to worry about it. Since you've already got Dropbox syncing set up (I'm glad you're happy with it -- thanks for the comments <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> ), when you're ready to add your iPhone, for example, you'll just unlock it then go to More > Settings> Security > and toggle Dropbox "on".

    Tommy, how do you really feel about the Mcell? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' /> Seriously,though, I've got a friend who had very similar complaints. He's in a 'burb of Atlanta, so maybe it's the area. We won't fuss too much for the off-topic rant since you don't do it often <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
  • Quietwalker
    Quietwalker Junior Member

    and macpug,

    In response to : "I would like to get off topic a little, Do you have an iPhone 4 ? , the reason I ask is my Mcell was wonderful under my 3g but I hate to stoop to this but it really sux for my iphone 4. I was just wondering if you had had bad results out of it etc."

    I have a 3GS so can't comment on a 4 -- but I have, in the past couple of weeks, found that I now need to reset the 3GS iPhone to get all 5 bars with the Mcell -- if I don't reset, even the MCell drops down to 1 or 2 bars. For the first month plus the iPhone never needed to be reset. This seems related to when I use the phone outside, connected to other real towers, but I haven't tested to confirm. My problem may also be related to having moved things around and situating the Mcell closer to the Airport Extreme. But, since both Apple and AT&T techs tell me to reset and it only takes a couple of minutes, and the problem seems solved, I can live with that. (We are all faced with a conundrum, aren't we? We all want maximum connectivity but nobody wants a cell tower in their back yard or to have to pay the cable lords for broadband....)

    [b]Returning to 1P[/b] -- thanks to both of you for your answers, but [b]I'm still a little confused[/b]. When you say Dropbox disables my wi-fi setting on my iPhone, I think I understand that Dropbox uses my iPhone wi-fi to connect to the cloud but uses its own sync protocol, independent of however I might have the iPhone synching with other applications, such as MobileMe or Kindle -- is that close? (Sharing a cup of coffee to discuss this would be a joy -- but absent that, your forum is as beneficial as your program! Continued Thanks!)

  • [quote name='Quietwalker' timestamp='1284314562' post='10958']

    [b]Returning to 1P[/b] -- thanks to both of you for your answers, but [b]I'm still a little confused[/b]. When you say Dropbox disables my wi-fi setting on my iPhone, I think I understand that Dropbox uses my iPhone wi-fi to connect to the cloud but uses its own sync protocol, independent of however I might have the iPhone synching with other applications, such as MobileMe or Kindle -- is that close? (Sharing a cup of coffee to discuss this would be a joy -- but absent that, your forum is as beneficial as your program! Continued Thanks!)



    That's right, when you enable Dropbox syncing it just disables the 'Wi-Fi Sync' option within 1Password and doesn't touch your iPhone's Wi-Fi settings or how any other application syncs. Dropbox syncing can work over Wi-Fi and 3G, even EDGE although it will be rather slow. I'm sorry if this has caused any confusion for you, maybe we need to be clearer that this only disables 1Password's Wi-Fi syncing.

    I'll stay out of the MicroCell debate, I'm in the UK with amazing 3G coverage from T-Mobile <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • macpug
    macpug Agile Customer Care
    Hi Quietwalker, Stu is right, I think we probably need to clarify this a bit so it's not so confusing. Quite simply, if you enable Dropbox syncing on your device, you don't have to worry about doing anything with the Wi-Fi settings. It will be taken care of automatically, so there's nothing for you to accidentally disable or anything like that. I hope that helps clear it up a bit more for you. If not, just let us know.

    Sharing a cup of our favorite hot beverage sounds like a great idea! Maybe we should start some 1Password meet and greets...I don't know how Dave and Roustem would feel about it, but I'd love to travel around and meet all our great customers! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I think meet-ups would be great.