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Wi-Fi Sync hangs [fixed: 3.4.3.BETA-2]

dbreiser Junior Member
Using 1Password 3.4.2 (and several recent versions or betas) in Snow Leopard and 1Password Pro 3.5.2 on an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.1 (and also at least 4.0.2), when I log into 1P on the iPhone and 1P kicks off wifi sync, I always get a sync conflicts resolver window with one item that doesn't exist on either the iPhone or my Mac. It doesn't matter whether I tell 1P to use the one on the mac or the one on the iphone, the sync stalls and locks up 1P on the Mac until I quit 1P on the iPhone.

I have tried rebuilding the database with no change in the behavior.

There is no information displayed in the conflict resolution panes in the lower right of the resolver dialog.

Other information seems to be syncing correctly, but it's a pain to always have a window pop up, do nothing, and then force me to quit the iphone app to get things working. (But it's less of a pain than the old case where sync would never launch unless I quit the 1P Mac, and then relaunched while I was already in the iPhone app.)



  • dbreiser
    dbreiser Junior Member
    3.4.3.BETA-2 (or possibly the release before it) has resolved this problem.

    The "phantom" item was in the trash. I'm used to search functions working for all items. And the trash folder was way down at the end of the folder list, so I hadn't noticed it. My bad. Thanks for the fix.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm glad that everything is working well again!

    Thanks for answering your own post before I even got to it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />