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Updating Email Addresses Globally

edited 2010 15 in Mac
<div class="IPBDescription">Changing email addresses in ALL my Login's at once</div>I recently changed the email address I use for logging into most websites. I would like to make this change to all my Logins at once without having to manually do each Login separately.

I would also like to do it as a [i]swap[/i]. So if a Login has the old email address, it will paste in the new one, and if it finds a different email address besides the old one, it will alert me to the mismatch, so I don't inadvertently confuse myself.

Any thoughts on this? ~Lefty


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Lefty, welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Some type of search and replace could definitely come in handy in a situation like that. We are working on ways to improve mass editing items in 1Password. Thank you for letting us know this feature would be useful to you. I know I would love to do some mass editing (whether find & replace or some other means).
  • Lefty
    edited 2010 22
    Thanks Khad. I really love 1 Password and appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. It makes all the difference to know you guys are both watching the user forums and also responding, so we know that our posts are being read and not just used by the manufacturer as a venue for their customers to vent into the void.
  • [quote name='Lefty' timestamp='1285168955' post='11799']

    Thanks Khad. I really love 1 Password and appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. It makes all the difference to know you guys are both watching the user forums and also responding, so we know that our posts are being read and not just used by the manufacturer as a venue for their customers to vent into the void.



    On Khad's behalf, you're very welcome. We love our users, and our forums are a great place to hang out, I even come here when I'm not working (much too Gita's annoyance) just to see what's going on.

    Anyway, just wanted to add my 2 pence (I'm British, I refuse to use cents) to this, from both a user and team member's point of view.

    Search and replace would be great, but one concern I'd have is people using it to search and replace their passwords, the whole idea behind 1Password is to have a one to many relationship (oh dear, days of database class are flooding back) with your passwords, as in you have one master password that you know and can remember and then the rest are all different secure passwords, meaning that if an attacker got hold of your password for one site they couldn't use it to get to other things.

    How about this instead, we could have a system of tokens you could use in items, so one of these tokens could be 'e-mail address' which could then be updated globally, or linked to an identity stored within 1Password. This idea has come up a few times, and personally I think it'd be a better way to handle updating your login details.

    Thanks again for the post,
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Cheers, Stu! Exactly the sort of thinking I like and what I meant when I wrote "whether find & replace or some other means." <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I think it is the feature that is required, not the specific implementation of Find & Replace.
  • [quote name='stu' timestamp='1285195777' post='11823']

    How about this instead, we could have a system of tokens you could use in items, so one of these tokens could be 'e-mail address' which could then be updated globally, or linked to an identity stored within 1Password.[/quote]

    I have too many unique e-mail addresses for a global update of them to be useful.
  • Yes, I hear all of that. Perhaps make the distinction between password replace and email address replace with a verify Master Password dialogue that pops up.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the suggestions!