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1Password 2 not compatible with Safari 5

<div class="IPBDescription">(was: 1P vanished in Safari)</div>Hello Agile & others,

when I first started using 1Password 1P appeared in both Safari & Firefox

a while ago though 1P has vanished from my Safari-window, forcing me to use Firefox when having to visit a secure webpage

while Safari is my preferred browser

what happened and how do I get it back?

it may have disappeared with an update of Safari

I use:

- MacOS 10.5.8

- Safari Versie 5.0 (5533.16)

- 1Password Version 2.12.1 (build 7671)

any suggestions?

thanks, Mano


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hi ManoelN,

    Welcome to the forums! I wish our introduction was under better circumstances, but i do hope I can address the issue you are having.

    I'm really sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with 1Password 2 and the toolbar icon in Safari 5. Unfortunately, 1Password 2 doesn't support Safari 5. Since 1Password 3 has now been out of Beta for several months we've had to make the difficult decision to cease any further development of 1Password 2. Therefore, there won't be an update to add Safari 5 support.

    There is a potential workaround that may enable 1Password 2 users to work with Safari 5; however, this does involve editing some files and is not officially supported or guaranteed to work. If you'd like to try it, though, please take a look at this thread in our support forums:

    The much easier option is to upgrade to 1Password 3, which is our first paid upgrade ever. As well as adding full Safari 5 support, 1Password 3 has a range of new features and a brand new redesigned interface. You can take a look at all the new features of 1Password 3 here:

    Once you have your new license you just need to download the latest version of 1Password 3 from and then follow our installation guide, which contains some important information about upgrading from 1Password 2:

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
