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Forgot Master Password

ClickCardo Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">I have no record of my pw. Am I ****ed?</div>I started with version 2 on Leopard spring 2009. that fall went snow and did dropbox. I have my License key, but never remembered setting a password or (permanently) un-locking 1pw. I got a second mac last week. setup dropbox. license (family pack) took, but it wants my password which I have NO RECORD OF. On the old mac I went keychain access utility and there is NO MASTER PASSWORD string in any of my unlocked system keychains.. I cannot change my pw without knoing the old. Am I ****ed? Why don't they have a send a reset link or pw to your e-mail address like a normal (Apple) company?

Can anybody help me use something I paid good money for out?

PS : I have latest version of 1pw and 10.6.4.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey ClickCardo,

    I'm really sorry that you're having this problem.

    For your privacy and security, your master password is known only by you. We cannot reset it for you and you cannot change it without entering the old one. There is also no "back door" to access your data without the master password. If there were, that would be a security hole that criminals could exploit to steal your information.

    If you think you know what the password is, but it is not being accepted, please see the tips in this guide:

    [b]Please try each tip[/b], for we have found them to be the most common causes of this problem. If you cannot remember the password, you will need to restore from a backup or start over. Both of these steps are documented in the guide.

    Please let me know how it goes.