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Problem Auto-Filling Old Password

<div class="IPBDescription">Generating and Replacing Passwords Question</div>I have searched the documentation and forums and can't find any solutions that fit my particular question, so I hope that I am not repeating something that has long been answered.

1Password works great for the vast majority of my sites. I am having two problems regarding new password generation and the changes that occur when updating to the new password though.

1. For most sites that are in my vault when I am changing passwords, 1Password first wants to use my old password to fill both the old password and new password fields and then submit the form. Is there a best known method other than switching over to the 1Password app copying the old password, switching back to the browser and pasting for filling in these forms? Is there a key to hold down that will suppress the autosubmit for that one time so that I can delete the old password from the new password fields and continue using the password generator option?

2. After successfully creating the new password, 1Password updates the vault entry with all of these new fields including the web address. The next time that I use the Go & Fill feature it wants to take me to the change password page instead of the main login page.

If you haven't already, check out how LastPass handles creating new passwords. If they have a hard time determining where to fill the old password, they always have a toolbar button to copy the old password for the user to paste into that field manually. This way you don't have to leave the page to find it. They also don't replace the URL field so you find yourself launching the change password/registration page every time.
