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1Password for Mac 3.4.4 released

1Password for Mac 3.4.4 is a free update for all 1Password 3 for Mac license holders.

[b]Full Changelog[/b]


[list][*]Added tags and folder selection to the HTTP Authentication save panel.[*]The Diagnostics Reporting tool now verifies that everything’s okay with your 1Password installation by ensuring that all necessary files exist and that they are of the expected size.[*]When you duplicate an item by clicking [i]Edit > Duplicate[/i], attachments are also duplicated.[*]The placeholder URL for login items has been changed to[*]Improved support for localisation.[*]Updated Japanese localisation.[*]Added “Place of Birth” to the Passport item type.[*]Unsaved edits are not automatically saved when 1Password is locked.[*]Made a few changes to prevent a potential crash when updating the main application window.[*]The [i]Edit > Fill[/i] with Identity menu option now displays custom names.[/list]


[list][*]The HTTP Authentication save panel now respects the “username in title” preference ([i]Preferences > Logins > Automatically include username in Login title[/i]).[*]A crash that could happen during automatic updates if a previous update was skipped.[*]A problem when clicking on an empty vault item when in Edit mode.[*]A rare graphical glitch that appeared at the bottom of the main application window after unlocking 1Password.[*]A problem where the Go & Fill Login window in the web browser did not display logins.[*]A problem with the Conflict Resolver window shown during Wi-Fi sync.[*]An error while previewing items during an import.[*]A problem with the search field being cleared when 1Password was hidden or locked.[*]When 1Password is locked, all the menu options listed in [i]Help > Tools[/i] are disabled.[*]The in-browser editor now respects the [i]View > Conceal Passwords[/i] setting.[*]A problem in 1PasswordAnywhere that caused deleted items to appear in Accounts instead of the Trash.[/list]

Feedback and questions are welcome in the [url=]1Password 3 support forum[/url].
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