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Bug in the German localization [fixed in 3.5.0.BETA-1]

MacClaus Junior Member
edited September 2010 in Mac
When I add a drivers licence...

I think it needs more space.


  • MacClaus
    MacClaus Junior Member
    edited September 2010
    Here's the screenshot...

    Add space btw the word "Einschränkungen" and "Bundesland" please. Thx
  • chadseld
    chadseld 1Password Developer
    Thanks for the bug report, I'll have it fixed for the next release.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    MacClaus, this was just fixed in 3.5.0.BETA-1. If you are not interested in running beta versions, please stay tuned. It will be available in the next stable update. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Thanks again!
  • MacClaus
    MacClaus Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    please update 3.8 (Menu bar drop down menu_1Password)

    Install Extensions = Installiere Erweiterungen
  • Hallo MacClaus!

    Thank you for the request. i passed along your suggestion to our developers.


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