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1Password Mac 3.4.4/iPhone 4/1Password Pro 3.5.2 Dropbox Issues

JimJo Junior Member
Using 1Password 3.4.4 (Build 30767) on Mac and 1Password Pro 3.5.2 on an iPhone 4 (4.1 8B117).

Sync using WiFi works fine. Sync using Dropbox won't work.

I always get "Master Password was incorrect. Please enter the Master Password you used on Mac or PC."

I am [i][b]absolutely[/b][/i] certain the password entered is correct.

The Dropbox setup on the Mac is also correct (I've been using Dropbox as the location for 1Password for quite some time); the keychain and hidden root pointer file all look correct.

How do I make Dropbox sync on the iPhone 4 work?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    Welcome to the forums! I'm sorry you are having this problem. Please try resetting Dropbox syncing on your phone.

    Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account > Reset

    Please let me know how it goes.
  • JimJo
    JimJo Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1285984492' post='12504']


    Welcome to the forums! I'm sorry you are having this problem. Please try resetting Dropbox syncing on your phone.

    Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account > Reset

    Please let me know how it goes.


    I should have mentioned that I've done the "Reset" several times, without success (Reset, set up, try again; Reset, quit, set up, try again, etc.). Still no Dropbox sync; same error regarding incorrect Master Password.
  • [quote name='JimJo' timestamp='1285990639' post='12512']

    I should have mentioned that I've done the "Reset" several times, without success (Reset, set up, try again; Reset, quit, set up, try again, etc.). Still no Dropbox sync; same error regarding incorrect Master Password.


    Hi JimJo,

    I'm really sorry to hear you're still experiencing some trouble, thanks for trying to reset the Dropbox sync.

    Could you try something a little bit different, on your Mac could you open 1Password and go to 1Password > Preferences > Security and click 'Change Master Password'. Could you then try changing your master password, making sure there are no special characters in the password, which could be causing the issues you've been experiencing.

    Please let us know how this turns out,
  • JimJo
    JimJo Junior Member
    It works now!

    I reset the Master Password in the Mac, then reset it back to the original.

    After that, it just started working on the iPhone.

    Not sure why that worked, but I'm happy enough with the results!

    Thanks to all...
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Glad to hear it! Cheers! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />