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Password cannot be saved

roband Junior Member
Hello everybody,

Just joined a site with multiple logins. The first window saved and remembers my name. I must then click on a LOGIN button which brings me to a window displaying a picture I have chosen. I must then enter my password.

I cannot get 1Password to save this password. I gave it another login name, to no avail.

It almost looks like the site won't allow to copy the password I entered.

Tried to enter the password in the vault, but still will not plug it into the password window.

How can I find out if the website uses Flash, which is not compatible with 1Password ?

Thanks in advance.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    You can check for Flash in the source code of the page (in Safari: View > View Source). You can perform a search of the source for ".swf" (without the quotes). Although Flash is not the only culprit in many cases. JavaScript can cause problems as well.

    Do you have the URL of the problem page?