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1Password for Android on HTC Hero - install kills phone.

I was really excited to see the announcement for the new 1Password app for Android, so downloaded it from the Marketplace for my HTC Hero (Sprint, Android 2.1)

I selected Dropbox sync during setup, filled in my user/password and hit the go button. After a few messages about authentication success (code 1) the app dies with a blocking popup:



The application 1Password (process com.onepassword.passwordmanager) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

[Force close]


When I press [Force close] which is the only choice, the 1Password screen refreshes then immediately crashes with the same error popup. Rinse, repeat.

Things get interesting because no other activity works, I can't access any menus; even the shutdown button [Power Off] prompt is underneath the popup so I can't turn the phone off.

Problem is solved by removing the battery to the phone and de-installing 1Password.

This doesn't seem quite ready for the term "Beta" yet.


  • patpatnz
    patpatnz Junior Member
    This also happens to my HTC Legend running Android 2.1 if I try to switch away back to the home screen, or part way through the dropbox sync it will crash and then repeat until I can break the cycle (found that I could press home just before the error box comes up)
  • I have exactly the same problem as patpatnz. I am also using an HTC Legend/Android 2.1. This is pretty extreme behavior even for a beta!
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi everyone and thank you for reporting the issue to me.

    I tried really hard to reproduce it on my Nexus 1 following your scenarios, hitting Back/Home button during sync,bringing the app Back

    doing all kind of crazy things to it and still couldn't reproduce the problem. However, my Nexus 1 always behaves impeccably working fine

    under any circumstances (sure, it would be nice to have as many android phones as available for my testing but sadly I cannot afford that...).

    However, it is clear that the problem exists and will definitely be addressed very soon.

    I asked our support team to do another round of testing (they have different phone models) and report me their impressions.

    In the meantime, I am asking you to write me your detailed scenarios what exactly you did before the crash occurred.

    And also, please try not to hit Home key during sync, let it finish before you hit Launch Application button, please have some patience

    bringing 1.5K data files (7MB of data) on the phone takes at most 3-4 min.

    Will be awaiting your feedback

    Thank you in advance and best regards,


    Android Developer

    [quote name='tonyros' timestamp='1287068510' post='13219']

    I have exactly the same problem as patpatnz. I am also using an HTC Legend/Android 2.1. This is pretty extreme behavior even for a beta!

  • Thank you Gene

    Exact sequence: Launch 1Password., Setup screen, Select Use Dropbox, enter login & password, OK,downloading files, after about 1 minute Error message (Sorry etc.), Only option Force Close. When used comes back immediately. Only way to get rid of message is to hit a button very quickly before it comes back.

    Hope this helps
  • Just tried again

    Error message went after the third attempt. Was then able to open 1Password - Nice interface! - All entries appear to be present but the categories I added On my Mac (Subfolders) are not.

    Still, it's progress!

  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Tonyros,

    Thank you for the information, still waiting for the test results from our support team, I still cannot reproduce the

    issue on my Nexus 1 whatever scenario I tried.

    There were no subfolders on 1P4A, all data is organized by Item types (Secure Notes, Wallet Items, Software , Passwords etc).

    Please check for the app updates in the next 1-2 days.

    Best Regards,


    [quote name='tonyros' timestamp='1287080213' post='13244']

    Just tried again

    Error message went after the third attempt. Was then able to open 1Password - Nice interface! - All entries appear to be present but the categories I added On my Mac (Subfolders) are not.

    Still, it's progress!


  • patpatnz
    patpatnz Junior Member
    The problem I have is that I cannot even finish the sync before it crashes. If you have a build that will produce stack traces feel free to email me the apk file and I will install and report back.

  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi patpatnz,

    I just posted a new version of 1P4A on Market. Please download/install it and give it a try.

    There might be a version with an initial setup which my Nexus 1 doesn't see.

    Thank you in advance,


    [quote name='patpatnz' timestamp='1287093035' post='13295']

    The problem I have is that I cannot even finish the sync before it crashes. If you have a build that will produce stack traces feel free to email me the apk file and I will install and report back.


  • patpatnz
    patpatnz Junior Member
    Hi Gene,

    I updated from the market, but something went funky so I completely removed the app and reinstalled it. After I did that I tried to do the sync from dropbox but as soon as it logged in and switched to the log screen the app crashed. It seems as soon as you try to switch away from that initial screen it crashes.

    Not sure why though.


    [quote name='GeneY' timestamp='1287095377' post='13304']

    Hi patpatnz,

    I just posted a new version of 1P4A on Market. Please download/install it and give it a try.

    There might be a version with an initial setup which my Nexus 1 doesn't see.

    Thank you in advance,


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi patpatnz,

    Let's try to narrow a problem a bit:

    So you installed a new version, provided your username and password, hit Sync button and what happened next :

    1. Did sync complete OK and than app crashed when you tried to launch an application ?

    or App crashed before you finished sync ?

    2 Then, what happened when you tried to launch an application again ? Did it start ? Did it crash again after start ?

    How many files you have in Dropbox/1P.agilekeychain/data/default folder ? Are there context.js and encryptionKeys.js files ?

    Please do another sync and this time do not switch away from the screen, have some patience, let the app finish its work.

    I tried different scenarios, moving away/back, turning connection off/on during my sync , providing invalid passwords, ect and still don't see any crashes on my Nexus 1 OS 2.2.1.

    Will be waiting for your feedback.

    Thank you in advance,


    [quote name='patpatnz' timestamp='1287116429' post='13328']

    Hi Gene,

    I updated from the market, but something went funky so I completely removed the app and reinstalled it. After I did that I tried to do the sync from dropbox but as soon as it logged in and switched to the log screen the app crashed. It seems as soon as you try to switch away from that initial screen it crashes.

    Not sure why though.


  • I have an HTC Hero running 2.01 and having the same issue. Here is the stacktrace from logcat... This should help you pinpoint it

    10-15 15:05:12.616: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(7625): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception

    10-15 15:05:12.716: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(7625): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:


    at com.onepassword.passwordmanager.activity.SetupActivity.onStop(







    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

    at android.os.Looper.loop(


    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(



    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  • patpatnz
    patpatnz Junior Member
    Hi Gene,

    Sorry, I guess my writing wasn't very clear <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    This is what I did:

    1. Install 1Password app

    2. Run 1Password

    3. Select DropBox Sync

    4. Enter correct username & password

    5. Press the sync button

    6. Sync starts but then part way through the app gets the Force Close dialog popup

    I never switched away.

    Having said that it seems to have no managed to sync the data down now.

    For my next question, I uninstalled the app and then wanted to reinstall and resync it. But when I reinstalled my password data was still on the phone. How do we clear the password data off the phone?


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello all 1P4Android users,

    There was an issue with application crashes which I was not able to reproduce under any circumstances on my Nexus 1 phone.

    I was very upset about it: majority of customers reported everything worked fine but some reported crashes right on Start-Up.

    It turned out some new staff I was using was not backward compatible and, of course caused an application crash on OS ver < 2.2 !

    That is a specific of Android development : Android OS (Operation System) is changing continuously and very fast.

    Very many things are not forward compatible : these I detect fine. As many other things are not backward compatible: with these

    I have an issue, not the first time already .

    One night my Nexus 1 was forcibly (without my desire to do so ) upgraded by Google to OS 2.2.1 which almost nobody has as of today.

    While it is really great to have a latest and greatest OS, it makes me concerned: every time I am carried away with some cool

    feature which works just great for me I need to look back and see if it is here for the old OS versions.

    I am thinking about buying another Android phone, this time some old model running OS 2.0

    and with some small and low resolution screen which I can use for backward testing.

    I am so glad that Agile customers is a really great folk, everyone is willing to help me to resolve issues and make 1P4A better.

    I also appreciate your patience and sincere desire to help in solving various app issues.

    I posted an update on Market today around midnight and it seems to work fine now.

    All users responses coming today are definitely positive, there are no more crashes reported.

    Please give a new release a try and let me know your opinion on that.

    Thank you in advance and best regards,
