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Initial Sync from Dropbox fales (encryptionKeys.js & contents.js file is not found)

I just purchased the Windows beta. Got all of my passwords imported from FF and SplashID. Signed up for Dropbox and synced my keychain fail. Downloaded the latest 1Password beta for Android and when first launching the application I selected "Use Dropbox to synchronize data". After entering my login credentials I've had 3 failed syncs, can't get it to work. Here are the first 2 attempts:

Attempt #1:



Using mobile connection


Begin Sync at 16:20:20


Authenticating by user credentials...


Authentication success with status 1


Found Dropbox Setting file .ws.agile.1Password.settings


Getting 1Password.agilekeychain file into local dropbox from /1Password/1Password.agilekeychain


Cannot sync dropbox:encryptionKeys.js file is not found in your dropbox keychain.Please find out why


Sync Failed probably because of networking issues, check your network and resync again


Finish sync at 16:20:32


Attempt #2:



Using mobile connection


Begin Sync at 16:26:18


Authenticating by user credentials...


Authentication success with status 1


Found Dropbox Setting file .ws.agile.1Password.settings


Getting 1Password.agilekeychain file into local dropbox from /1Password/1Password.agilekeychain


Encryption keys file changed or new, downloading new version


Cannot sync dropbox:contents.js file Not Found in your Dropbox, find out why


Sync Failed probably because of networking issues, check your network and resync again


Finish sync at 16:26:36


I've tried 2 more times and keep getting the same error as attempt #2


  • Looks like this is all set. Support got back to me and told me that I had to repair the keychain within 1Password for Windows. Odd, since the install was only an hour old, but whatever works <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi dmbfan36_23 ,

    The message you've getting might be related to the networking issues, Dropbox API which 1P4Android uses internally is int its Beta version too and is not that stable.

    I saw the message once in a while doing my testing, next time I sync it is gone.The issue has been reported to the Dropbox Development team, they are working on the new API

    version, when it is available , the problem will hopefully disappear.

    Best Regards,


    Android Developer

    [quote name='dmbfan36_23' timestamp='1287091218' post='13287']

    Looks like this is all set. Support got back to me and told me that I had to repair the keychain within 1Password for Windows. Odd, since the install was only an hour old, but whatever works <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

  • I am getting the same error when trying to sync my Mac to my HTC Eris? what gives
  • [quote name='Italiano' timestamp='1287434069' post='13554']

    I am getting the same error when trying to sync my Mac to my HTC Eris? what gives


    I found it best to do the first sync over WiFi if there's alot of data involved.

    If not, try the "Repair Keychain" option in 1Password on the mac.
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi everyone,

    "Repair Keychain" option will always help if context.js file is not found.

    This file has listing of all items available in your keychain together with their data creation and some other important info.

    Currently context.js file is not used by the 1P 4Mac/PC application internally and created/maintained exclusively for the

    1P Anywhere and 1P4Android support. In turn, these two applications depend heavily on this file and complain if it is not here.

    Some old versions of 1P 4 Mac/PC might have issues creating context.js file. The latest versions of 1P PC/Mac

    create/maintain this file perfectly fine which I confirmed by the thorough testing (test results were posted on this forum on Oct 3).

    However, if keychain was created by the old version of 1P Mac/PC, context.js file may be missing and there is no indication of that from the

    1P for Mac/PC standpoint.

    The best solution will be a simple action of rebuilding a keychain, couple of users reported

    that this action instantly solved the issue for them.



    [quote name='dmbfan36_23' timestamp='1287434360' post='13556']

    I found it best to do the first sync over WiFi if there's alot of data involved.

    If not, try the "Repair Keychain" option in 1Password on the mac.
