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FEATURE REQUEST: Add inertial scrolling to sync log screen

When viewing the sync log the scrolling is one-to-one. I tried to "flick" to scroll through it faster, but that doesn't work. On a long sync log, such as initial syncs, it's very tedious to get all the way to the bottom to see the actual error message.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    This is good point, dmbfan36_23.

    The whole Dropbox logic and presentation screen will be overhauled

    in the next releases, I am planning to make it similar to iPhone, nice and simple

    without detailed messages which look technical to some people.(There will be not much to scroll,

    just a Button to report an issue is smth goes wrong)

    I am still waiting for the new version of Dropbox Android API which is still in its Beta 0.1 version

    and have some stability issues.Many Android developers experience intermittent issues with API

    which are very annoying and unpredictable, hopw they will be addressed in the next Dropbox API releases.



    [quote name='dmbfan36_23' timestamp='1287092744' post='13294']

    When viewing the sync log the scrolling is one-to-one. I tried to "flick" to scroll through it faster, but that doesn't work. On a long sync log, such as initial syncs, it's very tedious to get all the way to the bottom to see the actual error message.
