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problem opening agilekeychain with different name

shailesh17 Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Android</div>Hi - I am using 1Password on Mac and iPhone for several years now, its awesome! I recently moved to using the Windows beta version as well as moved to using the Android version. Thanks for making the beta available, its invaluable to have the passwords available on the phone.

I am not using dropbox, rather I simply copied my agilekeychain folder to the SD card. It turns out that the keychain folder must be literally named "1Password.agilekeychain" otherwise it fails to open the data files. I don't like to have the word "password" in my file name, so I have been using the Mac/Windows version using name "abe3.agilekeychain" - which works fine. However, the Android app doesn't like the name of this folder - it only worked after I renamed it to 1Password.agilekeychain. Not sure if someone has reported this, but hope you can address this minor bug. Thanks!

- HTC Evo 4g (Sprint) - Android 2.2


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi shailesh17 ,

    You are absolutely correct,in this beta version 1P4A assumes

    that all keychains are named according to the Agile standard

    as 1Password.agilekeychain and expects to work with this filename.

    Ability to select different keychain names may be introduced in the next application

    releases, however, so far no other users reported any issue with the keychain name, so

    I assume that default keychain name satisfies the wast majority of users.

    In the same time, we may review the requirements and introduce this feature.

    Thank you for sharing your ideas with us and will be waiting your additional suggestions

    and recommendations.

    Best Regards,


    Android Developer