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Combine two agile keychains into one

kenoli Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Combine two agile keychains into one</div>I have been using 1password on two different computers and would like to combine the keychains on these computers into one and utilize dropbox in the future to synch the files.

Is there some way I can combine the two keychains?



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Kenoli,

    It is possible to "merge" the contents of both keychain.

    Right now, we don't have a way to merge two data files directly, especially if they have duplicate data or are on separate data formats (Mac OS X keychain vs. Agile Keychain). The best way to approach this is to use File > Export All > 1Password Interchange from one data file and then to import this file into the other data file.

    After you have totally confirmed that the "merged" keychain is intact and all data is there, please empty your OS X trash (Not 1Password) and then delete the 1PIF files (1Password Interchange Format) and then press and hold the command key while emptying the trash to securely delete the 1PIF files.

    The reason you have to securely delete 1PIF files is that they are not encrypted or secured with a password.