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Last Viewed Sort / Forward Backward Item arrows

ekulis Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Sorting by last viewed/access; some arrows to previous.</div>Hey,

How about a sort by "Last Viewed" as date modified and date created. I use Secure Notes for a lot for things and it would save me time if what I'm working on ergo looking at bubbled up to the top of a list.

And how about some arrows to allow traverse back and forth between what was last viewed.

( Sound like a browser? Well, the dirty iittle secret is that there's really only one piece of software and 1 piece of hardward scheduled for invention in about 2050. )



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hi ekulis,

    Thanks for the suggestions. As I always do when there is a suggestion made, I like to play devil's advocate and figure out ways to break it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    My concern with a "Last Viewed" sort option would be that it would become nearly impossible to select another item in the list if the order changed so rapidly every time you viewed an item. You could never use the arrow keys to select the next item down in the list as you would be bumped up to the top with every selection. I think this works for somewhat static lists of recent documents in a menu, but when the list would update as you select items, that becomes problematic. What do you think? Is there an example of this in an app that you use? Please let me know. Thanks!

    (I do like the back button idea. Could be quite useful when jumping between items in different vaults. I'll mention it to the devs.)