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Rebuild Data File hangs

patte Junior Member
I am having a simliar issue with 1Password - it has become a true memory hog.


[b]Issue 1:[/b]

I've been trying the latest build 3.5.0.BETA-3 (build #30770) and the stable 3.4.4 version, but

as soon as I startup my Computer 1PasswordAgent grabs a 480 MB memory chunk a won't let

it go (I tried quieting the process via the Activity Monitor, but it restarts itself immediately).

[b]Issue 2:[/b]

After having issues with Safari (the context menu took about 20-40 seconds to load), I switched

to Chrome. What I discovered is that the Chrome Plug-In Host also eats up about 440 MB of RAM,

I disabled the extension and installed it over again. This helps from time to time and the usage

is going back to a normal amount of RAM (20-70 MB), but then out of nowhere it goes back up

to 440 MB.

[b]Issue 3:[/b]

I went back to Safari and discovered that the 1Password Extension has the same effect like it

has on Chrome. Suddenly the RAM usage of Safari is increases about the same amount (440 MB).

If I'm uninstalling the extension Safari shows signification less memory consumption. I guess

this is kind of the same problem.

[b]Issue 4:[/b]

The application itself also demands a huge amount of memory and I can't rebuild my database,

because I can see 1Password is slowly eating up all the RAM I have. I tried it on my Mac Pro

which has 10 GB of RAM and the process comes to an halt after everything is gone and there

are only a few MB's to work with. I tried letting the computer do it's work over night, but

there is no chance: all the memory is gone.


Is there a way to prevent 1Password using that much RAM, like a terminal script to limit the

RAM usage of the application? I've searched the internet for it, but couldn't find a good

approach. I emailed with you guys a lot before my vacation about the Safari context menu

bug, and I thought that I could prevent any problems by switching to Chrome - although I

know it's a beta extension. Whatever. Is it possible that the issues I'm having are due to

a mal-functioning database. I'd love to repair my database but like I've described before…

I can't repair it. Maybe you have some tips for me or a 1Password version with a line of

code changed that's preventing using more than a certain amount of memory.




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Patrick,

    I hope your vacation was enjoyable! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I just spotted your most recent e-mail message in our system. Marty had some good leads, I will await your e-mail response before making some suggestions of my own. See you in your Inbox!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Just to update those following along at home:

    We have isolated a memory issue when rebuilding a data file with a very large number of tags. We are working on a solution and hope to have a fix soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    I sent you an e-mail about this already, but for the sake of anyone stumbling across this via search, this issue has been fixed as of 3.5.0.BETA-4.

    Please ensure that "Include Beta versions" is enabled (Preferences > Updates) and then download the latest version (1Password > Check for Updates…).

    Of course, if you are reading this from the future and already running 3.5.0 or newer, there may be a different issue at hand. Please start another thread in that case. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />
