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Will we see new vault items + changing from login to account + software icons

woodenbrain Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
1. I'm wondering if new vault items are in the works. This was mentioned long ago in version 2.x, but AFAIK no changes.

Mostly I'd like to see a vault item for Hardware with serial numbers.

2. How do you change an entry from a login to an account? Dragging doesn't work and cut & paste doesn't either.

3. Is there a reason why some software entries show icons while others don't? I'm guessing name matching issues. But then there should be a way to choose or drag & drop the app?


  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    We're not currently working on any new item templates. We wanted to just add the ability to create custom ones, but that turned out to be a lot more complicated than we anticipated. It's something we still plan to offer, but there is no timeframe for it.

    It's not possible to change an item's type at this time. You will need to create a new item of the desired type and copy and paste the field contents.

    1Password will add icons for installed applications, and yes, if the name is different it will not detect it. To add application icons individually, you can indeed drag and drop the application: edit the software license item in 1Password and drag and drop the application onto the square image paperclipped to the details pane.
  • woodenbrain
    woodenbrain Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    justG... thanks for the responses.

    I've been waiting a while for the first two abilities, I can wait longer. I have a whole lot entries that should be other types -- copying and pasting fields won't do it for me. So I hope that can be addressed -- at least drag & drop to another type group to clone it as best as possible? As for item templates, I'm sure you have a history of requests for this, so maybe you can throw in a few of the most popular, before attempting to create a custom template-maker system. Such as hardware, hint hint. ;-)
  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Thanks for the patience and the words of encouragement. We will do what we can to accommodate your request for a few popular templates in the future. =)
  • kketell
    kketell Junior Member
    I would really like to have the hardware type too. I like to keep track of serial numbers for all sorts of gear.

    Fields that would be handy would be




    serial number

    purchased from

    purchase date


    free form notes
  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Hi kketell, and welcome to the forums.

    We had a poll going about the Hardware section some time ago and it was received well. I had started the poll so the guys could get a feel if folks wanted the category. Unfortunately since we changed forum software I think I can no longer access it. Anyway I wanted to say thanks for bringing the item up again I would love to still see the category myself.

    I just am not sure if the guys ever made a decision on adding it.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    As you know, we never say "never," but I know of no current plans to add support for hardware. There are some really great apps that absolutely excel at home inventory (including barcode scanning of media). I use Secure Notes to store a few things, but most of it is better suited to another app designed for home inventory. It would really be a whole new project if we were to actually do it [i]right[/i] — and we wouldn't have it any other way if we did. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer at this time, but I want to be realistic about where we stand right now.
