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Dropbox login fails due to space after username

AltmanSoftware Junior Member
You might want to consider "trimming" the dropbox username to remove trailing spaces. This isn't really a 1PW bug, but just an unfortunate coincidence.

Here's the scenario: I just finished setting up 1PW and dropbox-sync on a new Android phone and when I entered my dropbox e-mail/username, Android automatically appended a space; as a result, the login kept failing, preventing 1PW from syncing (imagine that)! The real issue is that the trailing space is "invisible", but this could easily cause massive frustration for newer users.

Just wanted to share the observation.

- Robert


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for your input, I will make a change in the next release to trim Dropbox email/password before submitting

    them to the server.

    I haven't noticed any appendage to the data entered during the testing, don't see that Android keyboard automatically adds something

    at the end of the string.None of the customers reported this issue to me either.

    However, I completely agree that this nuisance should be eliminated.

    Best Regards,


    Android Developer

    [quote name='AltmanSoftware' timestamp='1289437377' post='14872']

    You might want to consider "trimming" the dropbox username to remove trailing spaces. This isn't really a 1PW bug, but just an unfortunate coincidence.

    Here's the scenario: I just finished setting up 1PW and dropbox-sync on a new Android phone and when I entered my dropbox e-mail/username, Android automatically appended a space; as a result, the login kept failing, preventing 1PW from syncing (imagine that)! The real issue is that the trailing space is "invisible", but this could easily cause massive frustration for newer users.

    Just wanted to share the observation.

    - Robert
