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Troubleshooting WiFi Sync Issues (not Dropbox)

Carl Just Me
edited 2010 23 in iOS
[B][SIZE="5"]Troubleshooting WiFi Syncing with 1Password touch[/SIZE][/B]


1Password touch syncs with the desktop 1Password application via a Wi-Fi connection. This means that the iPhone/iPod Touch needs to connect to a Wi-Fi network that is connected to the same Local Area Network (LAN) as the Mac on which the desktop application is running. 1Password touch does not sync via the Edge network, 3G network, or across the internet. It also does not sync your 1Password data via the UBS/Firewire cable when you sync with iTunes on your Mac. The desktop Mac needs to have the 1Password application open and running at the time of the sync. The desktop application Mac can be connected via ethernet or any other means so long as it is on the same LAN as the the iPhone/iPod Touch. 1Password desktop application for Mac OS X is sold separately and not included as part of 1Password touch.


[B]Setting Up the Sync:[/B]

See [URL=""]these instructions[/URL] for configuring the sync to take place.

[B]Check to see if Bonjour is running:[/B]

The Wi-Fi syncing in 1Password touch relies on Apple's Bonjour technology and Bonjour needs to be enabled on the Mac for the discovery process to work correctly.

Check to see if Bonjour is running on your system.

Load the Activity Monitor on your Mac

Make sure that All Processes is selected from the drop down menu at the top

Type "mDNS" in the Search Field

If Bonjour is running you will see a process named mDNSResponder as shown here:


If you do not see the mDNSResponder process running, you can start it as follows:

Start Finder

Click on Go menu and Select Go to Folder

Type /usr/sbin/ in the resulting window

Find the mDNSResponder file

Double Click it

A terminal window will open which you close afterwards

Wait a few seconds and you should see mDNSResponder running in Activity Monitor

[B]See if Bonjour can see the iPhone:[/B]

[URL=""]Download the Bonjour Browser Utility here[/URL]

Start Bonjour Browser

You iPhone or iPod Touch should be listed in the view as shown here:


If it is not make sure that your iPhone/iPod Touch is turned on and not sleeping. If it is already turned on and you still do not see the device listed then there is a network connectivity issue. Please continue with the sections below.

[B]Check Network Connectivity:[/B]

First, find out the current IP address of your iPhone/iPod Touch.

Go to the main iPhone/iPod Touch settings

Touch the name of the Wi-Fi network to get further details. Also, make sure the Wi-Fi network listed is the one that is connected to the same LAN as the Mac.


Touch the blue icon with the white arrow next to the network name


Write down the IP address shown on the following screen


Next, start the Network Utility application on the Mac.

[B]Perform a Ping test as show here:[/B]


If you are seeing time outs instead of successful responses then the desktop is not able to see the iPhone. Check to see what the IP Address of the Mac is by selecting Info tab:


If your IP address does not look the same as the iPhone IP Address (with the exception being the last digit) then you are likely not on the same LAN as the iPhone. Make sure you have the correct interface selected when looking for your IP. Go to the System Preference Network section if you are unsure about which interface you are using.

[B]Perform a Traceroute test as shown here:[/B]


If you see more than 1 hop here then it is likely that you are not on the same LAN. However, syncing may still work as long as the router in between the two can route the necessary data and protocols in both directions. Generally, you will want to see only 1 hop though.

Note: In some situations it is possible for the Mac and the iPhone/iPod Touch to appear to be on the same subnet but in fact they are on separate subnets with the same IP addressing scheme. For example, each device is connected to a separate NAT router that is using DHCP to hand out private IP addresses that are the same. In this case the ping and traceroute will fail

[B]Ad-Hoc network:[/B]

If your pings and traceroute failed above you can try to set up a point-to-point private wireless network between the Mac and the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Please click [URL=""]this link[/URL] and follow the steps there.

After doing that, try all of the above tests again. If they are successful this time around then you have a network configuration issue or security issue. See the following sections for more on troubleshooting that condition.

[B]Re-Authorize the Sync:[/B]

If the Mac can communicate with the iPhone/iPod Touch but you cannot sync, start by re-authorizing the device.

Load the 1Password application on the Mac

Version 2: Click the Sync Menu and select Sync via Wi-Fi

Version 3: Select the device under the SYNC section (below your folders) in the far left pane of the main window

Right click on the iPhone icon and select Delete

Start the 1Password touch application

Go to Settings

Touch Wi-Fi Sync

Touch the Allow New Connections button

A window similar to this will be displayed:


On the Mac, click on the Sync button

A pop-up window will appears and request the codes being shown on the iPhone

Enter the codes

[B]Sync Stuck in Authentication mode:[/B]

If 1Password appears to hang immediately after entering the authorization codes it could be due to a bug in 1Password. Here is an explanation of the situation:

When 1Password authorizes the sync with the 1Password touch application it creates an entry in 1Password to store the keys. This entry is hidden and will not be displayed in 1Password. If your copy of 1Password for Mac OS X has been installed for more than 30 days and it is unlicensed or the license has not been added then you are limited to 20 logins and 1 identity. At the current time, If you have more than than 20 or more entries without a license then 1Password cannot add the necessary keychain item. The result will be that after entering the codes on the desktop, it will not sync. Also, clicking the Sync button after this will result in nothing happening. You can either reduce the total number of entries in 1Password (note: items in the trash count against the 20 limit) or add your license. This bug will be corrected in a future release.

You can check your license as follows:

Start the 1Password for Mac application

Click the 1Password menu at the top left

Select Licenses

You will see a screen similar to this:


If not license is listed, click the Add button and enter your license information.

[B]Check the Sync History in 1Password Touch:[/B]

You may see something as minimal as this:


If this is all you ever see, make sure you have authorized the syncing. However, with a successful sync with no items to update the log will look similar.

If you see Stream Error messages it is usually and indication of a network issue. Here are the common errors:

Error 57 - Not Connected - The iPhone/iPod Touch doesn't currently have a Wi-Fi network connection. It could be disconnected or is having problems. Check your Wi-Fi connection on the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Error 60 - Timed Out - The iPhone/iPod Touch attempted to communicate with the Mac and tried repeatedly but finally gave up. This can be caused my a dropped or intermittent connection.

Error 61 - Connection Refused - Something blocked the communication on the remote end. This could be a security configuration issue.

Error 64 - Host is Down - The iPhone/iPod Touch knows who to contact but it appears as if the remote end connection is down. Check the network connection on the Mac.

Error 65 - No Route to Host - Basically, it is saying it has an IP address for a destination but cannot get there. Please check you router configuration as well as the Wi-Fi setup.

[B]Desktop Security issues:[/B]

If you are running any security software, try temporarily disabling it and see if you can communicate.

NetBarrier is one known security application that can cause trouble if not properly configured to allow communication.

Little Snitch is an outbound communication enforcer. The way the 1Password touch syncing works is that the desktop contacts the iPhone. If you have Little Snitch configured to block outbound communication that are not in the rules then you may need to add 1Password to the Little Snitch Rule list. Also, check to see if there is a specific entry in Little Snitch that is blocking 1Password. Perhaps, you clicked deny at a previous time and added a rule.

Bonjour uses TCP port 5354 and UDP port 5353. Your security software must allow this traffic to pass in addition to 1Password. The same applies to any hardware firewalls /routers.

Firewalls of any type including the OS X firewall cannot have any rules in place to block the traffic. Enable firewall logging in the advanced section of the OS X firewall and see if Deny messages are present between the Mac and iPhone/iPod touch IP Addresses you found earlier.

[B]Hardware Firewalls/Routers:[/B]

Bonjour uses TCP port 5354 and UDP port 5353. Any hardware firewall (for example: a Linksys wireless access point) needs to have these ports open.

Also, try restarting your router and see if that resolves the issue.


We've yet to run across a failed to sync issue yet that has not been network related. We realize it is frustrating when it does not work and that many of you may not be network experts. However, please take the time to use the steps above to isolate the point of failure in the network. Once you have done so, you can take the steps necessary to correct it and be syncing in short order.


  • limekiln
    limekiln Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I have installed the beta 3 version, but not purchased the upgrade yet. Is this why I see no synch function available on my mac when trying to synch with my iphone? Also, I didn't realize we had to pay $29 for the beta but just supporting in the debug etc.
  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='limekiln']I have installed the beta 3 version, but not purchased the upgrade yet. Is this why I see no synch function available on my mac when trying to synch with my iphone? Also, I didn't realize we had to pay $29 for the beta but just supporting in the debug etc.[/QUOTE]

    No, 1Password touch should sync just fine with 1Password 3 without your license. (In fact, for now 1Password 3 is accepting 1Password 2 licenses. This will be changed in a future release.)

    You don't have to purchase 1Password 3 upgrade in order to help test, but we're giving users who purchase the upgrade early access to the beta and that is also why we have the discounted price on the upgrade right now, i.e. as a way to say thanks to those who are willing to help us test. Note also that you don't have to participate in the beta after purchasing using the early bird pricing. So, you could purchase now and wait to use your new 1Password 3 license when 1Password 3 is officially released.

    Just so you know, this is technically in the wrong forum. Do you have access to the [url=]3.0 Early Access forum[/url]? If so, I will move this thread there.
  • ambrose
    ambrose Junior Member
    edited 2009 07

    I may be missing something, but there is no Sync in the menu. I can no longer sync with my iPhone.

    Never mind. I deleted my phone from the "Syncing" drop-down, and it re-found it and allowed me to sync manually. With my phone highlighted, the Device Type = "Unknown"; Status= "Not Authorized", and all choices are grayed out except the "Sync Now" button.

    Does that sound normal? Kind of a clunky sync process.
  • hradzka
    hradzka Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    First off, thanks for this very detailed and helpful guide.

    Here's a weird one for you. I did the 30-day-trial, during which I found 1Password so useful I bought the iPhone app, and I was surprised when I was notified my trial was over because it was so mindbogglingly useful I was convinced I'd purchased it already. So that's some testimony. I bought the license, added it. At which point 1Password stopped working.

    I am honestly not sure if it's a phone or software issue. When I try to manually add the phone's IP address in 1Password on my Mac (Powerbook G4, PowerPC, 10.4.11), the program crashes, whether I click "Accept" or "Cancel." But mDNSResponder doesn't show up in the Activity Monitor, and doesn't show up even after I start it running with Terminal. Bonjour Browser can't see my phone, and the phone's IP address is very different from that of my Mac. Pinging gets a 100% loss. So you'd think they're not on the same LAN... except I don't have a wireless connection active at home, so the wireless connection *is coming directly from my Mac.* I even changed the name of my Mac's wireless connection a couple of times, and the phone picked up on the name changes, so it definitely is seeing that network.

    Here's a long shot: I read the post about how syncing doesn't work if you pass the 30 day period without a license. The post also noted that version 3 is accepting version 2 licenses. Could there be a problem if it's the other way around? I ask because I'm running 2.9, but when I check my license it lists the product I have a license for as being "1Password 3." Which seems odd.
  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    1Password 3 licenses will work with 1Password 2. This is how we've implemented the "free 3.0 upgrade" thing in the store. Really, it's that you already have a 1Password 3 license and it will just be recognized by 1Password 2. :)

    It's possible that you're having the same problem I have had with both my iPhone 3G and my iPhone 3GS: My iPhone will connect to an ad hoc network in the Wi-Fi settings screen, but it won't connect in any meaningful way. Perhaps that is why your IP address is so different from your Mac's. I haven't seen any real solution other than visiting Apple to resolve this issue. Since I use Wi-Fi at home, I haven't taken the time to have the issue investigated fully yet.
  • hradzka
    hradzka Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Thanks, Jamie. I tried a few times to sync it on an actual wireless network; didn't work several times, and then it suddenly and mysteriously did. Go figure. Still unexplained weirdness, as the desktop utility crashes every time I try to enter the IP and port number.

    Dunno if this will come in handy to anybody, but until the bug fix on the Advanced settings for Wi-Fi sync come through, there's a work-around in the form of the free iPhone app Discover. You use it to share files with computers and other iPhones over wi-fi networks; the useful bit for 1Password purposes is that it gives you the IP and port your iPhone is using, so if 1Password's bug keeps you from getting it, Discover can help you out.

    Anyway, thanks again.
  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='hradzka']Dunno if this will come in handy to anybody, but until the bug fix on the Advanced settings for Wi-Fi sync come through, there's a work-around in the form of the free iPhone app Discover.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the workaround! Version 2.2.1 of 1Password (standard and Pro), which includes the fix for the Advanced screen, is now available in the App Store.
  • jimdidonna
    jimdidonna Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I am using the bete version I have done everything to sync with new I phone all goes well on phone but the onepasword on my Mac only has instructions on the drop down menu and there is no syncing folder any one have this issue
  • theElvis
    theElvis Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='jimdidonna']I am using the bete version I have done everything to sync with new I phone all goes well on phone but the onepasword on my Mac only has instructions on the drop down menu and there is no syncing folder any one have this issue[/QUOTE]

    same problem: snow leopard + newest version + only getting the browser help tutorital but no synching folder or window.

    there is no mDNSResponder in the activity monitor but i find the iphone with the bonjour browser as usal. (starting mDNSResponder doesnt help)
  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    Welcome to the forums, jimdidonna and theElvis. Since this is related to 1Password 3, please have a look in the 3.0 Early Access forum for more information about synching 1Password 3 with 1Password touch.
  • theElvis
    theElvis Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='Jamie']Welcome to the forums, jimdidonna and theElvis. Since this is related to 1Password 3, please have a look in the 3.0 Early Access forum for more information about synching 1Password 3 with 1Password touch.[/QUOTE]

    here we go: [url][/url] - or do you have already a solution?
  • akispusa
    akispusa Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Hi Carl,

    Thanks for the link to solve syncing problems. Ive tried and still nothing. When I launch 1 Password on my Mac and click sync it does find the Iphone. Then it goes in to a sync but nothing comes in to the Iphone. I have my Mac connected to a hub via ethernet that goes to a main hub that connects to my cable modem. Finally I have a wireless router (Dlink). When I try some of the tests with Network utility such as ping it does come back with no packets transmitted.

    Why does 1 Password on my desktop see the Iphone? I never get the box to enter the secret numbers.

  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='akispusa']Hi Carl,

    Thanks for the link to solve syncing problems. Ive tried and still nothing. When I launch 1 Password on my Mac and click sync it does find the Iphone. Then it goes in to a sync but nothing comes in to the Iphone. I have my Mac connected to a hub via ethernet that goes to a main hub that connects to my cable modem. Finally I have a wireless router (Dlink). When I try some of the tests with Network utility such as ping it does come back with no packets transmitted.

    Why does 1 Password on my desktop see the Iphone? I never get the box to enter the secret numbers.


    That sounds like a fairly complicated network setup, so I would first recommend removing some of the components if you can just to test. If your Mac has Wi-Fi capabilities, you can use an [URL=""]ad hoc network[/URL] to test. If not, then try removing some of the components from the network setup to see where the information is getting lost or blocked.
  • GuitarCrazyo
    GuitarCrazyo Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Oh come on Jamie, its not fair comparing the storage of Photoshop brushes to data that is already stored within 1Password.

    What I meant to say earlier, why sync software licensing information when even the desktop application cannot auto-fill this?

    At the very least, remove the identity name completely from the iPhone app, as selecting it only highlights it and there is no prompt to advise the user that one is not able to view the information under that entry.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I dont mean to bust your balls honestly - its just that I love my 1Password

  • Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    My experience with wi-fi sync is: I find it quite twitchy and I often find myself having to remember to turn something on or off or change the order I do the steps. Then I looked at all the instructions in this thread related to trouble shooting a whole host of wi-fi issues. Thus I can only ask: "Why not bring back syncing via the USB Port? That worked just fine. It wasn't broke, why did you fix it?"
  • Carl
    Carl Just Me
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='']My experience with wi-fi sync is: I find it quite twitchy and I often find myself having to remember to turn something on or off or change the order I do the steps. Then I looked at all the instructions in this thread related to trouble shooting a whole host of wi-fi issues. Thus I can only ask: "Why not bring back syncing via the USB Port? That worked just fine. It wasn't broke, why did you fix it?"[/QUOTE]

    Actually, the iPhone application has never synced over the cable. Apple does not allow 3rd party developers to do this. Otherwise, we definitely would.

    Perhaps, you are thinking about the bookmarklets feature. :)
  • jgerry
    jgerry Junior Member
    edited 2009 24
    I'm having a sync issue since upgrading to 3.0.0 (or 3.0.1, not sure) and also upgrading to 1Password Touch Pro. I need 1Password on the Mac to "forget" my iPhone device and let me start from scratch. It just won't let me do it.

    I deleted the old 1Password app on my phone, with all its data. Installed the new 1Password Touch Pro. Trying to sync, but it's not working. 1Password on the Mac remembers my old iPhone device, it shows up in the SYNC menu on the left, and it shows "Last synced 16 weeks ago". But the window shows "Not Authorized". The sync button is clickable, however. Clicking it does nothing. The spinner goes for a bit next to the iPhone device on the left, but nothing happens.

    I think I need to get 1Password to allow me to re-authorize my device, but it just won't let me. I'm thinking maybe uninstall on the Mac, remove prefs, reinstall, import backup... But I'd hate to have to do that.



    EDIT: I have also tried deleting the iPhone device on the SYNC menu, that hasn't helped.

    ANOTHER EDIT: Of course, after I write this whole message and try again, it starts working. Go figure. :)
  • LupoSol
    LupoSol Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I have exactly the same problem too.

    Also tried to sync by fixed IP and port, when I click on Sync Now, I can see the spinning icon for a few seconds but no actual sync occurs.

    Syncing the normal way gives me a "Another Wi-fi connection is active, please let it finish", but I'm not using any other wi-fi connection apart from it!!

    Any help would be appreciated.


    [quote name='jgerry']I'm having a sync issue since upgrading to 3.0.0 (or 3.0.1, not sure) and also upgrading to 1Password Touch Pro. I need 1Password on the Mac to "forget" my iPhone device and let me start from scratch. It just won't let me do it.

    I deleted the old 1Password app on my phone, with all its data. Installed the new 1Password Touch Pro. Trying to sync, but it's not working. 1Password on the Mac remembers my old iPhone device, it shows up in the SYNC menu on the left, and it shows "Last synced 16 weeks ago". But the window shows "Not Authorized". The sync button is clickable, however. Clicking it does nothing. The spinner goes for a bit next to the iPhone device on the left, but nothing happens.

    I think I need to get 1Password to allow me to re-authorize my device, but it just won't let me. I'm thinking maybe uninstall on the Mac, remove prefs, reinstall, import backup... But I'd hate to have to do that.



    EDIT: I have also tried deleting the iPhone device on the SYNC menu, that hasn't helped.

    ANOTHER EDIT: Of course, after I write this whole message and try again, it starts working. Go figure. :)[/QUOTE]
  • RichardG
    RichardG Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I got your email announcing the new ipod touch pro 3 and downloaded it and tried to syn with ipassword 2 - no go. So I deinstalled it and went back to the older version of ipassword touch - then I had a heck of a time getting it to sync but finally did. Should I assume that the new version of ipassword touch pro 3 requires version 3 on the desktop?
  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    edited 1969 31
    No it should work, in any combination.

    A few others have posted saying they were having trouble but a portion of that can be attributed to the changes the guys made in v3 vs v2, in re syncing etc.
  • Kojima
    Kojima Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='LupoSol']

    Also tried to sync by fixed IP and port, when I click on Sync Now, I can see the spinning icon for a few seconds but no actual sync occurs.

    Syncing the normal way gives me a "Another Wi-fi connection is active, please let it finish", but I'm not using any other wi-fi connection apart from it!!


    Have the same problem too.

    Before I upgraded to 1P v.3 WiFi-Sync with iPhone-Pro-App everything worked fine.

    Ich have changes booth at iMac and iPhone and need to sync them together. Overwriting iPhone or iMac would be a bad solution... (sweat)

    Any help?

  • itwasadarkandstormynight
    itwasadarkandstormynight Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    First of all thanks to the forum and helpful troubleshooting walkthroughs. I'm definitely not a techie and networking is even more definitely not my thing. First problem I had was syncing 2 Macs via Dropbox, wasn't working. By following the steps in an answer to a previous thread I managed to drill down into the .agilewebchain in my dropbox on my iMac and found files missing. Sorted that out. Syncing between macs works.

    Now I have a problem with syncing with iphone which I haven't managed to sort yet. The first time it worked, I had to sync using fixed IP address but it worked. But now all further attempts have failed. Deleted device and started new. I've tried restarting both devices, no success. Did a ping test and that was ok, no packets lost. Using Ad-Hoc Network 1Password didn't see,find iphone so no sync possible.

    Now when I enter IP address in 1Password via Wi-Fi , it says never synced and not authorized.

    I'm pretty much out of my league here and any help would be appreciated.


  • jen729w
    jen729w Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Hi guys.

    Posting this here hoping it'll help somebody. I seem to have fixed my sync issues, and the good thing is that I didn't really do much. :-)


    - I had sync'd before, probably a few versions ago.

    - When I tried just now, it wasn't working. My iPhone still appeared over in the left but it just wouldn't sync.

    - I tried deleting and re-adding the iPhone but I would never be prompted to enter "secret 1" and "secret 2" on the desktop app. It just said that the iPhone was "Not Authorized" and wouldn't let me do any more.

    - I hacked around for a while and got frustrated.

    The solution - just let it do its thing for a while. This, IIRC, is what I did:

    - Delete the iPhone from the left side.

    - Close both apps, wait a few seconds.

    - Start the desktop app.

    - Start the iPhone app.

    - Go to Wi-Fi sync on the iPhone app, allow new connections.

    - See the same old broken iPhone icon appear in the left side of the desktop app.

    - WAIT.

    - Something must time out, because eventually the desktop app pops up and asks for my secrets.

    - Enter them, and voila. All's good.

    Bit vague that, but I hope it helps someone. The key is that I really didn't do anything that special. Just wait - it gets there.
  • wbadger
    wbadger Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    iPhone was appearing as "offline", perhaps since before updating desktop to version 3.

    Tried connecting to IP address. Get

    Device Type Unknown

    Last synced Never

    Status Not Authorized (Allow New Connections in Settings > Wi-Fi Sync)

    Deleted iPhone from SYNC folder. Never showed up again.

    Then tried Adhoc network. Now

    Device Type Unknown

    Last Synced 3 weeks Ago

    Status Not Authorized (Allow New Connections in Settings > Wi-Fi Sync)

    I do have new connections authorized, I have the keys I need to type in on the iPhone screen. But I'm never prompted on the mac for the keys.
  • edannert
    edannert Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    After carefully reviewing all the password managers out there I took advantage of the free offer of 1Password Pro for iPhone and procured version 3 desktop. Last night I added all my security data on the desktop and then I tried to sync with my iPhone. That's when the trouble started. To cut it short, synching is just not working, but should, since another app on the iPhone "Appigo's Todo" is just synching nicely with my desktop. So, I hope to find some more help here and will try to provide all the things that I know:

    Software versions:

    - 1Password Desktop latest version 3.0.1

    - 1Password Pro iPhone version 2.2.1


    - MacBook Pro 2008 model

    - firewalls off

    - little snitch off

    Analysis so far:

    - I can ping my iPhone

    - I can traceroute my iPhone and yes it is on the same subnet using a linksys WRT54GP2 firmware version 1.28.03

    - I tried to delete the iPhone entry on the desktop version of the app and then re-start both apps to reconnect, result is that I can see the iPhone on the desktop app, but when I click on "Sync now" nothing happens, well something happens, I do get some error messages in the OS system log:

    Dec 1 17:14:13 core 1Password[422]: sync failed

    Dec 1 17:14:13 core 1Password[422]: WiFi sync failed: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=64 UserInfo=0x1164885e0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Host is down"

    Dec 1 17:14:13 core 1Password[422]: wifiSyncFailed:<AGWiFiSyncer: 0x1006bfee0>

    Anyone any suggestions?


  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    Did you try synching with an [url=]ad hoc network?[/url] That is the first step to making sure that it's not a network issue.
  • edannert
    edannert Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Yes, Jamie I also tried ad-hoc network and it doesn't work. What confuses me is that - as mentioned in my initial post - other applications sync just fine with my iPhone, i.e. Appigo's Todo. So, obviously connectivity is there.

    Any other suggestions? Like un-install 1Password desktop after backing up my data?


  • h-dog
    h-dog Junior Member
    edited 2009 04
    Thanks, this worked. Here's what I had to do:

    1) I reset my Airport Extreme. For some reason, the iPhone was on a different IP than the base station. Doing a complete reset of the base station and setting up a new wireless network fixed that problem and got the iPhone and my desktop computer on the same IP.

    2) I still didn't see the iPhone in the 1password desktop application. I had to quit and restart the application too.

    [I]Note: the menu item Sync > Sync using Wi-Fi... still opens a browser window and leads to the instructions. But since the iPhone now appears in the sidebar, I was able to sync. Maybe that's the way it's suppose to be, but for some reason, I thought the menu item would actually do something.[/I]

    Now I'm synching just fine. Thanks for the thorough explanation.

    iPhone 3.1.2, Mac OS 10.6.2, 1Password Pro 2.2.1, 1Password 3.0.1
  • Carl
    Carl Just Me
    edited 2009 10
    [quote name='edannert']Yes, Jamie I also tried ad-hoc network and it doesn't work. What confuses me is that - as mentioned in my initial post - other applications sync just fine with my iPhone, i.e. Appigo's Todo. So, obviously connectivity is there.

    Any other suggestions? Like un-install 1Password desktop after backing up my data?



    I'm replying to your e-mail at the present but just wanted to state here that just because another application can sync does not necessarily mean that the network connectivity that 1Password needs is fine. Let me explain further:

    When we did the first implementation of the iPhone syncing we made the desktop the "server" and the iPhone the "client". This means that the iPhone initiated the contact to the desktop to start the sync. The problem with this is that it required the firewall to allow this incoming request. In most cases it was denied with the default settings and the firewall turned on. This required users to make changes to the firewall which was less than ideal.

    So when we basically re-wrote the whole thing we flipped it around so that the desktop is the client and the iPhone is the server. Since this is an outbound communication on the desktop then the firewall is less of an issue. The OS X firewall does not block outbound traffic. We did not want people to have to manually set up the connection so we leveraged the fact that 99.999% of OS X systems are running Bonjour and find the iPhone via that means. However, security can still get in the way with a scenario like this:

    Desktop finds iPhone and sends setup request, iPhone responds, and inbound security/firewall blocks it.

    Other than direction I am sure there are several other ways to setup syncing between an iPhone and desktop using Wi-Fi. If another application works it could be because they go in the other direction, do not use Bonjour, etc. It does not mean that all other apps that sync can sync under the exact same network circumstances. That also does not mean that all the applications are broken. For example, you could have 4 applications with 2 syncing the exact same way and the other 2 syncing a different way (but same as each other). Either pair of applications being able to sync via their method does not guarantee the other pair can.

    There are other issues as well but we won't jump into those.

    Finally, let's talk about what is good here though in regards to "other apps can sync via Wi-Fi". In this case, we generally know that we at least have the ability to sync. Meaning that we have been able to establish a Wi-Fi connection and communicate with the desktop. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee we are on the same LAN and have clear two-way communication free of watchdogs.
  • fwallenberg
    fwallenberg Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I don't think I've been able to repeat a sync once since I upgraded to 3.0. However, I can always solve the problem by deleting the phone from the sync section in the desktop app and re-enable. After I disconnect and reconnect the phone it will now show up as "offline" in the desktop app and I'm back to the delete and re-enable solution.
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