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1Password First Impressions/Suggestions

<div class="IPBDescription">What I have to say about 1Password</div>[size="3"]

Hi, I'm a new 1Password user, who just recently made the switch to 1Password. I've only been using it for about a day, but after much experimenting, I've come up with a list of suggestions and improvements I would love to see.



[*][i]Sidebar color:[/i] First thing I notice is the differing colors of the sidebar versus that of the Finder. 1Password's sidebar is just a tad darker, and I think it would look nicer if it was the same color as the Finder's. I know it's not a big deal, but I just thought I'd point that out.

[*][i]Smart Folder Sync:[/i] The ability to sync a smart folder to my iPod would be appreciated.

[*][i]Download Page arrow[/i]. I was surprised to not find a "Go To" arrow for the download page field for a Software item.

[*][i]Change Site URL:[/i] When I add a site, I don't want the URL to be of the exact page I was on (rather, the page domain). If I could change the site URL during the creation of a Login item, it would be more convenient.

[*][i]Master Password Prompt:[/i] For sensitive websites such as banks, I'd like the option to always prompt for my master password when attempting to log in. I think that should boost the security for such sites.


That's really all I have to say at the moment. I hope you will consider these suggestions, and I look forward to using 1Password to suit my needs.



  • [quote name='Caleb531' timestamp='1290806474' post='16075']

    Hi, I'm a new 1Password user, who just recently made the switch to 1Password. I've only been using it for about a day, but after much experimenting, I've come up with a list of suggestions and improvements I would love to see.[/quote]

    Hi Caleb531,

    First of all, welcome to the 1Password family, great to have you with us, and even more so that you want to share your thoughts so soon, hearing from our customers helps us to see how we can give our users the best experience with 1Password. of course our developers have lots of things they want to implement too, it's just all about finding the time to do it.

    [quote][*][i]Sidebar color:[/i] First thing I notice is the differing colors of the sidebar versus that of the Finder. 1Password's sidebar is just a tad darker, and I think it would look nicer if it was the same color as the Finder's. I know it's not a big deal, but I just thought I'd point that out.[/quote]

    Thanks for the suggestion, I think I can agree with you there, I'll pass it on to our designer to see if it's something we could maybe fix.

    [quote][*][i]Smart Folder Sync:[/i] The ability to sync a smart folder to my iPod would be appreciated.[/quote]

    We're working on this, it's something we've wanted to do for quite a while now.

    [quote][*][i]Download Page arrow[/i]. I was surprised to not find a "Go To" arrow for the download page field for a Software item.[/quote]

    That's a very good point, I'll pass this along to the developers.

    [quote][*][i]Change Site URL:[/i] When I add a site, I don't want the URL to be of the exact page I was on (rather, the page domain). If I could change the site URL during the creation of a Login item, it would be more convenient.[/quote]

    Interesting idea, we do use a system of 'precise URL matching' so the login page URL doesn't make as much of a difference as you'd think, but I can certainly see how being able to change the URL would help at the login creation stage. Of course, we'd normally suggest saving the login from the actual login page of the site, presuming it has one.

    [quote][*][i]Master Password Prompt:[/i] For sensitive websites such as banks, I'd like the option to always prompt for my master password when attempting to log in. I think that should boost the security for such sites.[/quote]

    I can certainly see how this would help, I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement, but again I'll pass it along.

    Thanks again for the feedback, we really do appreciate it.