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Dropbox Login Screen

<div class="IPBDescription">Login screen is not scrollable</div>On my XPERIA X10 mini pro the Dropbox login screen is too big to show completely on my display. As the app didn't let me scroll down I had to guess if I am right or not while typing in the password. Good luck that the submit button is activated by pressing Enter because it wasn't visible either.

As I am working with a X10 mini pro I have to switch often from portait layout while just watching to landscape layout for typing. After switching layout in the Dropbox login screen the input fields didn't redraw themselves. I had to activate them again by pressing the button to use Dropbox.

All in all: Thumbs up! Good work! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Acme,

    First of all ,welcome to the forum and thank you for your interest in 1P4A !

    I admit that we didn't design 1P4A for the use on Mini phones (these are such a novelty...), we don't even have a mini device to test our application on it (we probably need to get one soon).

    Here in the office we have 3 different Android phone models for testing. In addition, our customers gladly report us any resizing(or other) model specific issues (it happens quite often).

    (Frankly, I envy a bit iPhone developers, they deal with only one model, no need to adopt an application on different screens and consider different hardware...)

    Your feedback about using 1P4A on mini devices is very important for us, please stay in touch and share with us your suggestions and observations.

    If more customers switch to use 1P4A on Mini devices, we will definitely adopt the application for this purpose and let you know.

    Thank you again and best regards,


    Android Developer

    [quote name='Acme' timestamp='1291110916' post='16492']

    On my XPERIA X10 mini pro the Dropbox login screen is too big to show completely on my display. As the app didn't let me scroll down I had to guess if I am right or not while typing in the password. Good luck that the submit button is activated by pressing Enter because it wasn't visible either.

    As I am working with a X10 mini pro I have to switch often from portait layout while just watching to landscape layout for typing. After switching layout in the Dropbox login screen the input fields didn't redraw themselves. I had to activate them again by pressing the button to use Dropbox.

    All in all: Thumbs up! Good work! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

  • So far the only problem I had was the Dropbox login screen. Everything else is working as expected. Another quiet small problem I had was the autologin function on some specific pages that uses hidden div elements for showing up the page login screen. Seems like the hidden form elements could not be handled correctly. Looks like some page specific problems.

    Everything else is just fine. Even on my X10 mini pro. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Thanks for your good job!
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Acme,

    Thank you very much for the good news on how 1P4A works for Mini !

    I expected more problems but if it is only a login screen, we will address it once we acquire a mini-device and test on it.

    I tested Autologin feature thoroughly on more than 110 pages including pages of most US/Can/Europe major banks and insurance companies.

    Everything worked well but, of course, there is no way to guarantee that each and every page on the internet will be handled properly.

    (so far none of users complained on autologin feature although some mentioned that it takes up to 2-3 seconds on some pages for the application

    to fill username and password).

    Notice that 1P4A uses exactly the same complex JScript to search the page and find and fill required fields on the form as 1P4iOS.I think autofill works correctly in >98% of all cases.

    (I am currently reviewing couple of other similar Android applications, they miss autofill on very many pages).

    If you could forward to me ( urls of the pages you are referring to, I will take a look at them and see what can be done.

    Thank you in advance

    Best regards,


    [quote name='Acme' timestamp='1291288658' post='16757']

    So far the only problem I had was the Dropbox login screen. Everything else is working as expected. Another quiet small problem I had was the autologin function on some specific pages that uses hidden div elements for showing up the page login screen. Seems like the hidden form elements could not be handled correctly. Looks like some page specific problems.

    Everything else is just fine. Even on my X10 mini pro. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Thanks for your good job!
