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old password on Iphone

<div class="IPBDescription">delete all files message</div>I tried to delete the current version (1password (pro) v 3.5.2 aug 1 2010).

in order to set up the backup through dropbox folowing the instructions.

When I try to delete, tells me if I delete the app it will delete my data file.

THat would be very couterproductive.

Will it really delete the data and if so what is the workaround?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, skowalski!

    You do not need to delete the 1Password app from your iOS device in order to [url=""]set up Dropbox syncing[/url], but if at any point you decide to remove it [b]after[/b] Dropbox syncing is set up and working, the data stored in Dropbox (and, thus, shared with your other computers and devices) will not be affected.

    Please let me know if you are still having trouble [url=""]setting up Dropbox syncing[/url] after following the guide.