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Syncing from iPhone to iMac

<div class="IPBDescription">Syncing</div>I have been using 1 Password Pro on my iPhone for some time and have a considerable amount of logins and other data on my iPhone. To my knowledge I have never created a master password and have only accessed the data using a four digit password. I've also backed up my data periodically to my iMac. I have now decided to purchase 1 Password 3 for Mac and I'm trying to follow the instructions to sync the data from my iPhone to my Mac. When I tried to sync my data, it calls for a master password which I do not have. It does not recognise my four digit password as the master password. Has anyone else encountered this? Am I now left with the situation that I will have to manually transfer the data across or is there magically some way round this? Help please I'm a total newbie to this forum.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please try Wi-Fi syncing the data initially and then switch to Dropbox syncing after all of your data is safely on your Mac.

    Your master password is used to encrypt all your confidential information for each item that has the master password enabled; without this password the data in these items cannot be recovered. Your 1Password master password is known only by you, and we cannot reset it for you; if we could, that would be a security hole that criminals could use to steal your data.

    With 1Password touch 2.1, we had a partial upgrade option that allowed you to use just the unlock code to upgrade your 1.4 database to 2.1 format. If you used this option, your master password may be the same as your unlock code (unless you have changed it on the Settings screen, since then).

    If this does not apply to your situation and you cannot remember the password, you will need to reset your master password. Make sure you're using the latest version of 1Password on your iOS device and then navigate to More > Settings > Security and tap Reset Master Password. Note that any entries that were previously protected by the master password will be permanently lost, but this [i]may[/i] not apply to [b]any[/b] items in your situation. By default, all items created on the iPhone are Low-Security (not protected by 1Password for iPhone's master password).

    I hope that helps. Please let me know!
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1291840713' post='17182']

    Please try Wi-Fi syncing the data initially and then switch to Dropbox syncing after all of your data is safely on your Mac.

    Your master password is used to encrypt all your confidential information for each item that has the master password enabled; without this password the data in these items cannot be recovered. Your 1Password master password is known only by you, and we cannot reset it for you; if we could, that would be a security hole that criminals could use to steal your data.

    With 1Password touch 2.1, we had a partial upgrade option that allowed you to use just the unlock code to upgrade your 1.4 database to 2.1 format. If you used this option, your master password may be the same as your unlock code (unless you have changed it on the Settings screen, since then).

    If this does not apply to your situation and you cannot remember the password, you will need to reset your master password. Make sure you're using the latest version of 1Password on your iOS device and then navigate to More > Settings > Security and tap Reset Master Password. Note that any entries that were previously protected by the master password will be permanently lost, but this [i]may[/i] not apply to [b]any[/b] items in your situation. By default, all items created on the iPhone are Low-Security (not protected by 1Password for iPhone's master password).

    I hope that helps. Please let me know!


    Hi Khad,

    First of all, I only access my data on the iPhone through a 4 digit password. To my knowledge, I have never had a Master password. unfortunately, I cannot access my backup on the Mac or sync, without a master password and it does not accept my 4 digit code. If I follow your advice on resetting a master password, and I do lose all my data, I would be worse off than I am now. At least now, I can access them on the iPhone and tediously transfer them manually across to my iMac. Am I missing something, as it seems a very high risk strategy. Also using Dropbox to sync, will also require the master password. i think that I can only do what you suggest, after I have my data on the iMac (which does have a master password. Apologies for my lack of knowledge on this subject and thanks for your involvement.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The initial setup process for 1Password on your iPhone did require the creation of a master password, so one does [i]exist[/i]. However, it sounds like that is not helpful in this situation. Consider [url=""]backing up your data[/url] as a safeguard before doing anything, and then proceed with a [url=""]Wi-Fi sync[/url] prior to setting up [url=""]Dropbox syncing[/url] as suggested. You will likely have to reset the database, but backing up and performing a Wi-Fi sync will mitigate data loss.
  • Khad

    Sorry but I cannot see how backing up the data on my iPhone will work as surely it will need the 'phantom' master password to access the data. As I said in my earlier message, I have tried on a number of occasions to sync with my iMac but it always calls for a master password which I do not have. I am beginning to wonder whether I should have purchased the Mac version and just stayed with the iPhone version and save myself a lot of extra work. Sorry but I am getting a bit frustrated!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I am terribly sorry for the situation, but we do try to make it very clear during the setup process that you need to remember your master password. It is very important and cannot be recovered.

    The good news is that Wi-Fi sync between Mac and iPhone does not require your iPhone master password. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • Khad

    Thanks for the sympathy, but as I have said before, I have NEVER used a master password.

    Could you please explain the last paragraph regarding not needing a master password for syncing between Mzc and iPhone. If that is the case why do I need one from iPhone to Mac?

    Finally, presumably, if I gambled and reset the master password on the iPhone and worst scenario, lost my data, I would not be able to restore from backup on my Mac, without a master password?

    Thank you for your help.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I see you have written in for e-mail support. We'll pick up there. We look forward to resolving this for you. Thanks!