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Item not syncing

Synchro Junior Member
I added a MasterCard credit card to my 1Password wallet section on my Mac Pro. I used it a couple of times, it synced successfully to my MacBook, and to my iPhone all running latest 1Password (3.5.2) using DropBox. That item has now disappeared from my Mac Pro, though it's still there on macbook and iphone. I didn't delete it, and it's not in the trash (though lots of other stuff is). Given it's still there in the other devices, is there some way I can force it to recover/resync? I'm concerned that if I add it again I'll end up with duplication or some kind of clash. The sync conflict resolver doesn't show any differences. Any ideas?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please try rebuilding your data file in 1Password on your MacBook (Help > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File…).