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In Hospital with Two iPads and no Comms

TempLogin Junior Member
I won't bore you with the detail, butI have been in hospital for the last six weeks undergoing treatment for a brain injury. I am at the stage where I should be getting out soon. The injury has been such that I have been able to get out of the hospital on occassion, but great chunks of my memory are missing.

This is the situation. I have 1Password (Pro?) on my Mac laptop which is at home 200 miles away and inaccessible. This has the main database on it. I brought into hospital with me an iPad (wifi version). There is no wifi available here. The iPad has 1Password Pro on it. Because of the distance I am from my partner and relatives the hospital that I am in is a specialist one, I have bought a 3G iPad so I can stay in contact with the outside world, through what is a trying time. This iPad does not have any version of 1Password on it at the moment. The other iPad and Mac laptop have never been synced with the cloud, although I do have a drop box account.

So how do I get an up to date 1Password from my wifi iPad to my 3G iPad? Version is 3.5.2


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I am sorry to hear about the injury, TempLogin. It sounds like you are progressing well, though. That's great!

    If you are still using the same iTunes account that you used to purchase 1Password Pro on your iPad, you will be able to re-download the current version on your other iPad for free from the App Store right on your iPad. Unfortunately, it won't look like it's free until you choose to "buy" it and enter your password. You don't have to take our word for it though. Here is Apple's official support document:

    Just make sure you actually have 1Password Pro since iTunes only waives the purchase price for apps you have *already* purchased. We have two other apps as well (1Password for iPhone, 1Password for iPad). Just make sure to download the exact same one you already purchased.

    If you can have someone back home [url=""]move your data file into your Dropbox folder on your Mac[/url], you will then be able to set up Dropbox syncing from your first iPad, merge all the data, and then do the same to download it all to your new iPad over 3G.

    Unfortunately, there is not a way to transfer data from one iOS device to another without syncing through Dropbox (which does require an Internet connection and initial setup on a Mac or PC). You might need to enlist the help of a trusted friend to take your Wi-Fi-only iPad to a hotspot for you in order that it can initially sync with Dropbox.

    I hope that helps a bit. Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
  • TempLogin
    TempLogin Junior Member
    Thanks a lot for the response. This system falls down where I say that the Mac laptop is inaccessible. It really is inaccessible, locked away securely, so engaging anyone else to press it into service is sadly a non-starter. I was rather hoping that there was going to be a secret way of getting the database off the wifi iPad withotut wifi. I will just have to find a cafe where I can connect the wifi iPad to the net.

    Thanks a lot for your advice.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please also consider using 1Password's built-in [url=""]Backup & Restore[/url] feature to get your data from one iPad to another, but even this does require a desktop computer to transfer the data. You can use any computer (Mac or Windows) on the same Wi-Fi network, though, so you need not have access to your own Mac. Just make sure to securely remove the backup file from the computer once it has been restored to your new iPad! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
  • TempLogin
    TempLogin Junior Member
    I have come to the conclusion that the answer is go into town with both iPads and a list of coffee shops with wifi, export 1Password dB from wifi iPad to dropbox, install 1Password to 3G iPad and import the 1Password dB from dropbox, then delete 1Password from the wifi iPad.

    I keep forgetting stuff, so hopefully I won't forget what I am supposed to be doing half way there. The simple answer is to write it down I can here you say! Will I remember that I have written something down!?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please be aware that any transfer of data using either the built-in Backup & Restore feature or Dropbox requires a desktop/laptop computer since 1Password cannot export to another iOS app (like the iOS Dropbox app). I just don't want you to get to the coffee shop with just the two iPads and not be able to transfer anything.
  • TempLogin
    TempLogin Junior Member
    Free WiFi turned out to be a misnomer and after walking a couple of miles, taking in three premises, I eventually ended up at tha Apple Store in Aberdeen and free access to their open network. I discovered what you have since told me. Never mind. I hope to be out of hospital soon and back home with my MacBook Pro, when I will be able to get the three devices synced.

    Thanks a lot for your help. I have learnt a lesson about leaving my laptop in the care of someone else rather than secured in a safe!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Sometimes our security-minded "trust no one" approach can bite us in the rear. A little bit of trust in someone we love can be a good thing. I think you have just taught me a great life lesson. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.