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Secure note content visible

As I discover 1Password, I'm finding many things that are real improvements on the Keychain. However, I've found something that is definitely weaker, and I'm wondering if there's a way to change it.

I've put some secure notes into 1P, which I had previously stored in my Keychain. When I click on a note, however, the content displays immediately; the same is the case for a credit card I added to the wallet. I see that there's an option to not show passwords (showing bullets instead); I'd feel a bit more secure if the same were true for notes and wallet items. Is there any way to do this?



  • Hi Kirk,

    Thanks for giving 1Password a try, I'm glad to hear you're finding some features you like so far.

    At the moment it isn't possible to mask items other than passwords, or the PINs and verifications numbers in a Credit Card item. The main reason behind this is that you need your 1Password master password to access the app and view your data, unlike Keychain Access with will let you view a list of your items but then require a password to reveal the actual details.

    We've had a few requests to make it possible for users to require the master password again to view certain items, and this may be something we consider for the future. For now, we'd suggest you lock 1Password after viewing your information, using either the lock icon in the toolbar or the Control + Command + L shortcut would be a good option, particularly if you're using 1Password on a shared computer.

    Thanks again for the feedback,

    [quote name='kirkmc' timestamp='1292245220' post='17457']

    As I discover 1Password, I'm finding many things that are real improvements on the Keychain. However, I've found something that is definitely weaker, and I'm wondering if there's a way to change it.

    I've put some secure notes into 1P, which I had previously stored in my Keychain. When I click on a note, however, the content displays immediately; the same is the case for a credit card I added to the wallet. I see that there's an option to not show passwords (showing bullets instead); I'd feel a bit more secure if the same were true for notes and wallet items. Is there any way to do this?


  • Thanks for the reply.

    One thing that's odd is that whenever I launch the app, it opens showing the contents of the last Secure Note that I created. I'd really rather not have anything like that visible, in case anyone's looking (not likely when I'm at work - I work at home - but on my laptop, perhaps). I just created an empty note to fix this, but why does it always open and select a note, rather than show, say, my list of items?
  • No problem at all Kirk,

    That's a good point, 1Password will always launch displaying the last item you viewed, most users want this to happen, but I can certainly understand why you wouldn't. I'll mention this to our developers to see if we could an an option for 'What to display when launching 1Password' maybe with the options for 'Show nothing' 'Show most recent' or 'Show <vault> listing'.

    I can't promise if or when we could implement this, but I'll certainly mention it to our developers for their consideration.

    Thanks again,

    [quote name='kirkmc' timestamp='1292255074' post='17464']

    Thanks for the reply.

    One thing that's odd is that whenever I launch the app, it opens showing the contents of the last Secure Note that I created. I'd really rather not have anything like that visible, in case anyone's looking (not likely when I'm at work - I work at home - but on my laptop, perhaps). I just created an empty note to fix this, but why does it always open and select a note, rather than show, say, my list of items?

  • [quote name='stu' timestamp='1292255505' post='17465']

    No problem at all Kirk,

    That's a good point, 1Password will always launch displaying the last item you viewed, most users want this to happen, but I can certainly understand why you wouldn't. I'll mention this to our developers to see if we could an an option for 'What to display when launching 1Password' maybe with the options for 'Show nothing' 'Show most recent' or 'Show <vault> listing'.

    I can't promise if or when we could implement this, but I'll certainly mention it to our developers for their consideration.

    Thanks again,


    It's not the last item I viewed. If I viewed, say, a password last, then quit the application, it reopens again showing the secure note.
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    [quote name='kirkmc' timestamp='1292255709' post='17466']

    It's not the last item I viewed. If I viewed, say, a password last, then quit the application, it reopens again showing the secure note.


    I'm sorry, it sounds like something unexpected is being displayed upon re-launch. Could you please tell us what version of 1Password are you running? You can tell what version you are using by choosing the 1Password -> About 1Password menu choice and looking at the version number on the left-hand side.
  • Version 3.5.2 (build 30806)

    When I launched it this morning, it showed a login item, but not one that I looked at last (oddly enough, it was the one for this forum).

    I'll launch it again a few times during the day and see what happens...
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    I just tested with our latest beta, and upon relaunch I'm back on the same item I was before I quit the main 1Password application. If 3.5.2 isn't doing this for you, I'm hopeful that the next release will. There's nothing specific about this in the beta changelog but I do recall hearing some hallway conversations about it.