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Installing 1Password on my new MacBook Air

Flagstaff434 Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Transferring data from other Macs</div>I know this should be simple, but I have not been able to find it. I have 1Password installed on an iMac and want to access all of my data from my new MacBook Air. I have downloaded the 1Password software, supplied my user key and downloaded and synced Dropbox, but have no indication that anything is working. Can you give me some direction? Thanks so much


  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    [quote name='Flagstaff434' timestamp='1292390979' post='17627']

    I know this should be simple, but I have not been able to find it. I have 1Password installed on an iMac and want to access all of my data from my new MacBook Air. I have downloaded the 1Password software, supplied my user key and downloaded and synced Dropbox, but have no indication that anything is working. Can you give me some direction? Thanks so much


    I'm sorry for the trouble Flagstaff; you're right, this should be simple! I am not sure why it didn't happen automatically, but what is supposed to happen is once Dropbox finishes syncing, when you start 1Password it should detect there is a data file on Dropbox and prompt you to use it.

    The first thing I would check is if Dropbox has finished syncing. Assuming it is done, use Finder to open your Dropbox folder and locate your 1Password.agilekeychain file and double click on it. 1Password will ask you to confirm you want to use this new datafile, and when you say yes, you should be all set.