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sync with dropbox hanges

Rod Paul
Rod Paul Junior Member
I successfully loaded the Android app into my Nexus 1. Subsequently I changed some of the logins on my Mac, and they are stored in dropbox. The next time I used the phone, I opened 1Password and tried to sync. It said sync successful, do I want to reload? I said yes.

I can't see the changes I made reflected in the phone. Also, after I get the sync is successful message (after watching a series of windows that look like things are changing) is it necessary to reload? Can't this be one step? My aim is to match the dropbox info with the phone's info.

Thanks for a great product.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Rod,

    Welcome to the Forum and thank you for the good words about 1Password for Android!

    Once Dropbox sync completed successfully, the application should be reloaded in order to see your changes.

    This behavior is different than 1P4iOS where there is no need to re-enter your password after data synchronization.

    The reason for that is that 1P4iOS does syncing both ways (from phone to computer and back) whereas 1P4Android only

    does sync of your private data from computer to phone.That is why the same master password is used for your data file on

    computer and phone (1P4iOS allows to have different passwords).

    Notice that the Master Password may be changed on the computer and, as a result, the password you've entered on the phone

    may not be valid anymore after synchronization.Once your data is already updated, system asks you to verify your Master Password

    again and ensure that it is valid and can be used in order to decrypt your secure data.

    Notice that your Master Password is not stored on your phone anywhere , even in encrypted form.It is done in order to provide maximum

    protection of your data from any intrusion.However, if by any reason the password is forgotten,unfortunately there is no way to recover it.

    Please let me know if you need more info

    Thank you and best regards,


    Android Developer

    [quote name='Rod Paul' timestamp='1292538319' post='17756']

    I successfully loaded the Android app into my Nexus 1. Subsequently I changed some of the logins on my Mac, and they are stored in dropbox. The next time I used the phone, I opened 1Password and tried to sync. It said sync successful, do I want to reload? I said yes.

    I can't see the changes I made reflected in the phone. Also, after I get the sync is successful message (after watching a series of windows that look like things are changing) is it necessary to reload? Can't this be one step? My aim is to match the dropbox info with the phone's info.

    Thanks for a great product.
