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White "dot" in 1P master password login field??

1hairleft Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Wondering what the white dot was when logging into 1P</div>Hi,

Yesterday I was about to login to 1P on my laptop. I noticed there was a white dot on the right hand side of the login text field. This dot was a vertical oval and was just large enough to hold about 1 character. I didn't know what the dot was, and had never seen it there before, but I logged in anyway. This evening, I noticed that my "Shopping" folder was missing. It contained info for logging into my favorite online shopping sites. Then I realized that the title had been changed from "Shopping" to "free". I didn't change it. Or, if I changed it, I didn't know I did. But all of the info that had previously been contained in the "Shopping" folder, was now in the "free" folder. Here is my concern: I had been looking for help a few days ago for 1P, and had gone to the http://getsatisfaction.agilewebsolutions web site for assistance and posted a question there. Someone answered my question. Now I'm wondering if my 1P was hacked, and if so, did that white dot in the login field allow someone access to my files? I'd never seen that white dot before, or since. Do I need to change all of my passwords?

Very worried. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me.

One last thing, when I went back and looked at the getsatisfaction.agilewebsolutions a little while ago, I now notice that there is a note on their page that says they are not affiliated with agilewebsolutions. I think I've really made a huge mistake. help


  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Hello 1hairleft!

    I'm sorry for the late reply.

    [quote name='1hairleft' timestamp='1292561273' post='17766']

    I noticed there was a white dot on the right hand side of the login text field. This dot was a vertical oval and was just large enough to hold about 1 character. [/quote]

    Did the dot look like this?


    If so, it is meant to be an arrow to indicate that your CAPSLOCK key is enabled. Often the CAPSLOCK key will prevent you from opening 1Password since it changes the characters you type, so we add the arrow as a warning.

    [quote name='1hairleft' timestamp='1292561273' post='17766']I didn't change it. Or, if I changed it, I didn't know I did. But all of the info that had previously been contained in the "Shopping" folder, was now in the "free" folder. Here is my concern: I had been looking for help a few days ago for 1P, and had gone to the http://getsatisfaction.agilewebsolutions web site for assistance and posted a question there. Someone answered my question.[/quote]

    I guess it depends on what the "answer" was to your question. Can you find you exact post there and what the answer was? Assuming it wasn't a "download and run this file" type of answer, you are probably ok.

    [quote name='1hairleft' timestamp='1292561273' post='17766']

    One last thing, when I went back and looked at the getsatisfaction.agilewebsolutions a little while ago, I now notice that there is a note on their page that says they are not affiliated with agilewebsolutions.[/quote]

    You're right, Get Satisfaction is not affiliated with us and we would love to delete our "account" there if we could. Jason Fried [url=]explained the problems with GetSatisfaction[/url] quite well. While they have improved things a little since Jason's rant, the fact that you found it confusing is proof that they have a ways to go.
  • Examinus
    Examinus Junior Member
    edited December 2010
    I'd just like to add that I've seen the white dot too recently. It is supposed to be the caps lock graphic but a couple of times it has appeared to me as solid white.

    EDIT: To reproduce this lock 1Password, turn on caps lock, select another application, turn off caps lock, then go back to 1Password.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    [quote name='Examinus' timestamp='1292785042' post='17843']

    To reproduce this lock 1Password, turn on caps lock, select another application, turn off caps lock, then go back to 1Password.


    Nice catch!! Thanks to your detailed steps I was able to reproduce this.

    I'll let Chad know about this and we'll fix this in a future update.