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Workflow for changing web passwords - dupes

I'm one of the poor saps that got hit by the Gawker break-in, so I started using 1Password. Seems to work great.

One issue, though, when I'm changing my old (compromised) password to something new. I seem to always end up with 2 copies of passwords stored in 1Password.

My flow goes something like this: I log in to some website with my old password, go find its "change password" link, right-click in the password box to bring up the Strong Password Generator, then generate a password & hit "fill". Then I submit the password form on the site, and 1Password asks whether it should save the password. I say yes.

After that process, I seem to end up with both an "Accounts" password and a "Logins" password. I'm not sure which one I should get rid of, nor how to avoid the dupe. Any suggestions?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Generated Passwords will always show up in the section of the same name (Preferences > General > Display in Sidebar > Generated Passwords). Generated Password items are not editable. While you can [i]delete[/i] items from the Generated Passwords section, I would not recommend it since this is a safety net — a generated password [i]history[/i]. Even if a Login item is not saved, the Generated Password item will be available, so you are not completely lost. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • Khad, I have the same question and I don't think your reply is answering Ken's question. In Ken's example, there will be three entries - One that existed before, , another one generated by the "Fill" action of the generated password feature, and third one that is created by the "Save" button-click.

    I still don't know how to change and save a new password for a site without explicitly opening up 1Password program after-the-fact and cleaning everything with copy & paste across entries.
  • [quote name='Harry Warrior' timestamp='1293489605' post='18161']

    I still don't know how to change and save a new password for a site without explicitly opening up 1Password program after-the-fact and cleaning everything with copy & paste across entries.


    I guess I should be using "Replace ?????" drop down menu option when "Saving" the new login. Would that replace just the username/password? Or would it overwrite Notes? If it is latter, that wouldn't work for me.
  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    [size="2"][quote name='Harry Warrior' timestamp='1293489605' post='18161']

    Khad, I have the same question and I don't think your reply is answering Ken's question. In Ken's example, there will be three entries - One that existed before, , another one generated by the "Fill" action of the generated password feature, and third one that is created by the "Save" button-click.

    I still don't know how to change and save a new password for a site without explicitly opening up 1Password program after-the-fact and cleaning everything with copy & paste across entries.




    [size="2"]The item generated by filling a strong password is a Generated Password item and is not really an item as much as it is a backup in case you never save the new login. Theoretically, when you update a password, our [url=""]"Update Login" window[/url] should appear offering to update the password in your Login item. However, we are aware that that feature does not always work, and we plan to merge it with the "Replace Login" option that you mentioned next.

    [quote name='Harry Warrior' timestamp='1293489845' post='18162']

    I guess I should be using "Replace ?????" drop down menu option when "Saving" the new login. Would that replace just the username/password? Or would it overwrite Notes? If it is latter, that wouldn't work for me.


    At this time, it overwrites all fields, but we plan to address that soon, so that it only updates the form fields. In fact, it's been a matter of discussion lately. For most cases, "Replace Login" works, but, as you said, if you don't want to lose the Note field, than it would not.[/size]



    [size="2"]I'm sorry for the current inconvenience. Thanks for pointing it out![/size]