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Vault On External USB Drive Not Detected

<div class="IPBDescription">Vault On External USB Drive Not Detected</div>Hello Support Team,

Please please help with this, I own a full Knox Licence.

I have some vaults on external flash USB sticks, and one of them isn't working, which is also the newest one.

- If Knox is already running, then plugging the drive in results in NOTHING happening.

- If the device is plugged in first then Knox is launched, then nothing happens, but he name of the vault (16GB_Brick) DOES appear in the Knox dropdown menu. (See Jpg1)

But there is no prompt for a password. And Clicking on it just makes it dissappear. Also the device doesn't seem to appear on the left hand side in finder any more.

I have Knox 2.0.8 (135)

The two working external vaults were created in an earlier version. These prompt for password when plugged in, as per usual.

I ran a quick scan using an UnDelete program (can't actually undelete anything because I haven't paid for it yet, it's expensive). It shows the files seen in jpg2. Are these the key? And even if they are, would undeleting them solve the problem?

Thank You


  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    Hi, Dougal, and welcome to the forums!

    I don't have an answer for you right now, but I'll find someone who does.
  • Thanks Rob, please do try and get someone to get in touch because some of the files on the USB stick are very important.
  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    The team are spending the next day or so traveling back from their vacation, but I've posted it for them all to see and added a "Please Read" header. I'll mention it again if no one's replied once everyone gets back.

    Thanks for bearing with us!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    If you are able to access the data on the USB flash drive, could you try moving it all from the trouble vault to your hard drive? Afterwards reformat the USB flash drive and create a new whole-disk vault in Knox.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
  • Hi Khad,

    Thank you for replying.

    No, unfortunately I can not access the data on the stick, that's the problem. The device no longer even appears under 'DEVICES' on the left in the 'Finder' window.

    [b]However[/b], I ran System Profiler and the device appears there, and Knox seems to know there is a vault there as it appears in the drop-down list, see attachment in OP. Also, the device appears in Disk Utillity, and i was able to run both Disk Repair and verify Disk, both of which claimed 'The device is OK'.

    So strange that it won't mount.

    Am suspecting that those files detailed in the second attachment got deleted by some rogue 3rd party application, and were files that are used to identify a volume as a Knox Vault. Can you confirm that at all, given the filenames visible in attachment 2?

    So would the undeleting work do you think? Would it reinstate them [i]in situ[/i], or onto my hard disk? And if the latter how would i reunite them with the vault?

    Thanks for looking, will buy you a metaphorical beer if you help me fix this!

  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    It's really impossible to say if "undeleting" that list of files will restore the USB stick or not... there's no reason for something to have deleted them in the first place.

    As you've already tried, you should have been able to mount your Knox vaults by using the Finder. The Knox application has the ability to make this simple, and to create and backup vaults but the facility it uses are in the underlying OS X layers.

    For others reading this thread, you should be able to locate a vault by using the Finder, Spotlight or other mechanism and double-click it using your Finder (or Finder replacement) to mount the vault.

    Since this isn't available because the device is no longer even showing up in the DEVICES listing you'll need to continue to work up the OS X 'ladder' for other tools: I'd suggest starting with Disk Utility.

    Knox provides a front-end graphical interface to the use of either sparse bundle or DMG encrypted "storage". It remembers which vaults you've worked with and can even re-mount ones upon login that were open when you logged out or shut your system down. But deep under the covers it's OS X that handles all the mounting, un-mounting and file activity. If there is something wrong with the device/partition/vault then Knox may not be able to open it but hopefully other OS X tools may be still able to.

    Once you do succeed in mounting it, either before un-deleting those files or after (I'd leave that for a very last attempt), I'd strongly suggest that you copy all the files/folders on that vault/drive to your computer's normal drive and then re-create the vault.

    And strongly consider using Knox's backup facility too in case future problems arise with the vault!

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • Hi Marty

    I tried Disk Utility - I have selected my Vault and specifically clicked on the 'Mount' button, but it says that the disk can not be mounted. Both Repair and Verify tools claim that the disk is 'OK'.

    Could you let me know what you meant by working up the OSX 'ladder'? As things stand I can't see any alternative left other than attempting the 'undelete' on the unmounted usb stick, although I'm still unsure whether this reinstates the lost files where they were or copies them to the Hard Drive, which would be useless. Or can you recommend something else we can try first?

    Thank you
  • Hi Guys

    Please would you let me know if I can try anything else, I didn't hear back following the previous post. I still really need to try and recover these files!

    Are there any commands we can try in Terminal to get the disc / the vault to mount? (i.e. 'mount'..) I don't know what the syntax would be though. And please explain what the "OSX ladder" is?

    thank you
  • mijnnaamisramon
    mijnnaamisramon Junior Member
    I have the same problem with a volume inside my Mac Pro. I did a clean install and since then the volume just doesn't show up. It's a complete 2TB disk, so simply recreating it isn't really an option. Any idea what's going on?
  • mijnnaamisramon
    mijnnaamisramon Junior Member
    I think I found a fix!

    It's the permissions! Quit Knox(!), go to disk utility, mount the volume, then go to the finder, using command + i, set the permissions to read & write. Start Knox. Bingo!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for that additional information, mijnnaamisramon. Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />