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Stacked 1Password Dialogs in Firefox 4.0b8

Hi - I really expected to find other posts here describing this problem, but I haven't. This would seem to mean something is really screwy with my system, or I'm doing something profoundly wrong...or perhaps both.

I'm running 1Password 3.5.3 with Firefox 4.0b8 on a MacBook Pro under Snow Leopard 10.6.6. Whenever 1Password needs to put up a dialog - for saving a new login or updating a saved password, etc. - it actually puts up 20 instances of that dialog. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:


Note the heavy shadowed appearance - those are the accumulated shadows of 20 dialogs. I have to click "Save" or "Not Now" 20 times in order to get to the last dialog and have it go away. When it's one of the different dialogs - I think for updating an existing password - that will sometimes be more like 22 or 23 instances. Needless to say, this is slowing down my workflow a bit.

Is this some kind of known issue that I haven't found documented here or in the FAQ? It only occurs in Firefox 4.0 for me - Firefox 3, Safari and Chrome all work fine. I realize that I'm running beta software in Firefox 4.0, but I've really found it to be superior to FF3 in some important ways and would hate to have to do without it.

I have gone through the documented steps of removing and then reinstalling the browser extension for Firefox 4.0, and this didn't resolve the problem.

I'd welcome any input on fixing this, even if you have to expose me for missing something obvious. I love 1Password and absolutely want to keep it in my setup.




  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    Hi, Pat, and welcome to the forums!

    That's very strange indeed. Since I've never heard of this problem before, I'll pass it on to the developers to take a look. Meanwhile, could you please email us your Diagnostics Report? This may help us track down the issue more quickly. You can generate the report from 1Password on your Mac by clicking the Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report... menu item and then sending the report to us ( using Mail.

    Please include a link to this thread in your email message so that we can 'connect the dots'.

    Thanks for the report!
  • Hi, Rob, and thanks for your quick reply. What a relief - in a way - to learn that this is something you haven't heard of before! I've emailed my Diagnostics Report to the support address as you requested, and I'll wait to hear more.

    Thanks again,

  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    Thanks, Pat!