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Questions about using 1Password

<div class="IPBDescription">Help a noob out.</div>A few curiosities, if anyone has a moment:

I'd like to use 1Password, but several of my logins/passwords must also be used outside of any web browser. For example, my university's webmail account password is also the password I need to use to SSH into my user directory on the school's servers (which I have to enter manually in a terminal session), and, if I change my Facebook password to some un-memorizable string, that would seem to preclude me from logging in within an iOS application that uses Facebook Connect.

Is there a work-around for this cross-platform issue? (Aside from copying/pasting the randomized password, which I can't always do.) Or is my only recourse to not let 1Password manage those logins that I must use outside of a browser?

And: Suppose I need to log on to my bank's web site from a different computer/iphone/ipad that doesn't have 1Password on it. Would I be just locked out of my account?



  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    Hi, Vic, and welcome to the forum!

    I'm curious why you say you can't always copy and paste. 1Password is available on many platforms natively, allowing you to access your data wherever you are.

    As far as being on a different computer, we've thought of that, too. Just check out [url=""]the amazing 1PasswordAnywhere feature[/url]. I think you'll like it.

    I hope that helps!
  • Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the assist! Re. copying/pasting: unfortunately some password fields don't permit entry of pasted text.

    And 1PasswordAnywhere still seems to only account for web-based logins. It wouldn't be impossible to login to, say, FacebookConnect from within an iOS app (copying/pasting the password from DropBox or Safari, for example), but doing it with 1PasswordAnywhere would be even more cumbersome than it is now. (Though, granted—that inconvenience has to be weighed against the benefits of greater security).

    That gives me something to think about. Thanks again for the help!
  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='mugabe' timestamp='1295325486' post='19141']

    And 1PasswordAnywhere still seems to only account for web-based logins. It wouldn't be impossible to login to, say, FacebookConnect from within an iOS app (copying/pasting the password from DropBox or Safari, for example), but doing it with 1PasswordAnywhere would be even more cumbersome than it is now. (Though, granted—that inconvenience has to be weighed against the benefits of greater security).


    If you're pasting into an iOS app, the best way is to just copy your password from the 1Password app on your iOS device. 1PasswordAnywhere actually is not compatible with Mobile Safari at this time, so pasting from the 1Password app is actually the only way, I suppose.