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Can't get login configured right for my credit union site

I have a problem with the login for only 1 site, my credit union. When I just save the login in 1PW, the user name field is entered in a search field, which is the first field on the page, and the password is entered into the user name field, the second field on the page. I created a field with a random entry as the first field in 1PW.

For a while, this setup worked. The entry in this field is entered in the search field, the username in the user name field, and the password in the password field. It has recently stopped working. The URL for the site is


  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    Hello, Brian, and welcome to the forum!

    It seems the website may have changed since you originally saved your login. Try saving a fresh login (paste your credentials and choose "Save Login" from the 1P menu) without adding an extra field for the search box. That worked for me. I hope it helps you, too.

    Please let me know how it turns out.