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1password will not accept password from iphone for sync

xxxethan Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">problem with sync between iphone and desktop versions</div>I love my 1password... but trying to get email support for it is so slow. I'm hoping I can get a better response here.

My problem is that I'm trying to sync my iphone 1password with my desktop version. I finally got them communicating with each other but when I enter the password from the iphone version EXACTLY as it appears on the iphone into my desktop version it says its incorrect. Thinking that maybe I missed one part of the password that has a caps letter in it or something I tried resetting it and getting a different password.

Done.. I enter it again.. still it says the password is incorrect. Anyone have any idea whats going on here? I'm not putting spaces where they don't belong... I'm carefully entering it exactly... but it won't work.




  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='xxxethan' timestamp='1295452194' post='19208']

    I love my 1password... but trying to get email support for it is so slow. I'm hoping I can get a better response here.[/quote]

    Hi, John, and welcome to the forum! I looked for your email, but could not find it (at least not under the email address you've registered with the forum). It may be that you used a different email address or that it just didn't reach us. We have gotten a little behind lately, but we're trying to catch up as fast as our fingers will carry us. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote name='xxxethan' timestamp='1295452194' post='19208']

    My problem is that I'm trying to sync my iphone 1password with my desktop version. I finally got them communicating with each other but when I enter the password from the iphone version EXACTLY as it appears on the iphone into my desktop version it says its incorrect. Thinking that maybe I missed one part of the password that has a caps letter in it or something I tried resetting it and getting a different password.

    Done.. I enter it again.. still it says the password is incorrect. Anyone have any idea whats going on here? I'm not putting spaces where they don't belong... I'm carefully entering it exactly... but it won't work.


    Are you trying to sync manually on a Wi-Fi network or automatically with Dropbox?

    If you're syncing manually over Wi-Fi, you don't need to enter your master password from your iPhone. You will, however, need to enter the secret codes to get syncing working. Before we go any further into the possible situations you might be in, could you attach a screenshot of the "password failed" message so that we can get an idea of where you are talking about?

  • xxxethan
    xxxethan Junior Member
    edited January 2011
    Hi there I'm trying to sync on my wifi...yes I know I don't need to enter my master password from my phone.. I'm suppose to see my phone come up once I open the program.. its not coming up... in fact I'm not even getting that far anymore. It refuses to sync. at all ( it was ) When it was syncing... I only got as far as entering the secret ( 2 ) codes that the phone gave me. It would NOT accept them.. I typed them exactly as they appeared. NO LUCK.... Im not using little snitch... I'm using the latest programs ( updated on my desktop ) there is no reason that I can think of that it won't even sync. Im on the same wifi network as the computer and vice versa ( I double checked ). I have turned off the router.. I have turned it back on.. I have turned off the computer and turned it back on. Any suggestions?
  • xxxethan
    xxxethan Junior Member
    edited January 2011
    Ok for some reason I'm able to get the phone to sync but as I mentioned when I type in the two passwords from the iphone into the desktop 1password it says please enter the secret as it is shown on the phone.... make no mistake I am entering the two codes EXACTLY as they are shown on the phone.. no luck guys. ( yes my caps lock is off... )
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble syncing. Please update 1Password for Mac to the latest version as we have made some changes with regard to syncing. (1Password > Check for Updates…)

    Once you have verified that you are running 1Password for Mac 3.5.3 (1Password > About 1Password), let's continue.

    Before I go too far, I just want to mention that we now offer a method of syncing that is fully automatic, does not require you to even be near your computer, and is our recommended method of securely syncing.

    With [url=""]Dropbox syncing[/url], you can keep 1Password up to date from across town or across the country — anywhere you have an Internet connection. You Mac doesn't even have to be turned on!

    I would strongly advise going with [url=""]Dropbox syncing[/url]. It is more robust and just as free as Wi-Fi syncing. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If you would prefer to stick with manually syncing via Wi-Fi, please read on.

    On your Mac, if your iOS device is already listed in the sidebar under the SYNC section, please remove it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete…"

    IMPORTANT: Because of the Bonjour networking service that Apple provides for Wi-Fi syncing, please restart your Mac and iOS device before proceeding further. You can restart your iOS device by holding down both the Sleep and Home buttons simultaneously for at least ten seconds until the Apple logo appears.

    After restarting, please open 1Password on your Mac and iOS device.

    On your iOS device, go to Settings > Sync and turn WiFi Sync ON, then follow these steps:

    1. Tap "Allow New Connections"

    2. 1Password on your iOS device will display two secret sync codes.

    You’ll need these in a minute.

    3. On your Mac you should be prompted to enter the codes automatically

    4. Click "OK" and begin configuring your sync options.

    5. Click "Sync" to perform a sync operation.

    If you are still stuck, please take a look at our [url=""]Wi-Fi Sync Troubleshooting Guide[/url].

    Please let me know how it turns out, or if you have any additional questions.
