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Data File Backup and Dropbox

Hi All,

I have a question regarding data file backups and Dropbox:

I was recently responding to the blog to check my passwords for repeat usage. I had quite a few.

While I was in my 1Password preferences, I noted that there was a Growl notification checkbox. I turned it on.

The Growl notified me that 1Password was starting my data file backup. Promptly after that another Growl said the data file backup failed.

That prompted me to look in the User Guide about this. I noted the path to my data backup file and noted it had stopped backing up there as of July 2010.

This is about the time I switched 1Password to sync with Dropbox.

My question:

is Dropbox now my Data File Backup? Or should 1Password still be sending my backup to the Application Support backup file on my computer?

Thanks for any input.



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited 2011 22
    Hi leeacker3, welcome to the forums!

    That's not normal at all. 1Password should've continue to back up your data files regardless of the Dropbox Sync.

    Please fix this by opening 1Password, go to 1Password's Menu > Preferences > Backup.

    Tap on the Backup folder path and change it to your <Home Folder> > Library > Application Support > 1Password > Backups.


    After this, you should be able to back up successfully. Please make sure you can do this in 1Password by going to File > Backup Data File.

    While this should fix your backups issue, please contact us at and also attach your Diagnostics report to this email along with a link to this thread to help us connect the dots. [color="#FF0000"][i]Please do not upload your report here or anywhere else.[/i][/color]
  • leeacker3
    edited 2011 23
    Okay... Great! Thank you MikeT.

    I was able to follow your instructions and fix the problem. I'm sure glad I asked on the forum.

    I'm forwarding the diagnostic to support now.

    Thank you so much. Never knew I even had a problem.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited 2011 26
    Hi Lee, I'm glad that resolved the issue.

    We made several changes to better inform our users and how we handle backup failures. First, we added support for Growl Notifications in 1Password 3.5.3. This can be turned on in the Advanced Settings and users will get alerted for any backup jobs. We also made changes to our backup process to switch to your 1Password folder if it was not able to create a backup folder set by the user in the 1Password's Preferences.

    These changes are currently available in the betas and will be available in the next version (3.5.4).