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Multiple login pages and one password

iphoneuser Junior Member
No really, one password. I have multiple services I need to access where I work and they all use a single login name and password. I have to change this password every few months for security (mandated). When I visit the relevant login page, 1Password correctly suggests the stored information based on that URL. However, unless I manually change the password in 1Password or change it each time I log in after a password reset, chances are the stored password is old. I suppose I could eliminate every entry except one (with the updated password) but then I would lose the ability to go directly to the relevant page from within 1Password (and maybe I would have to do more work finding the login using the 1Password button from within the browser). So, is there anyway to tie multiple entries to a single password and only have to update the password once?

Thanks for reading.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    At this time, you will need to update each login to reflect a password change. 1Password does not currently support "linked" logins. This feature request has come up before, but I do not have a time frame for when or if it will be available.

    You might consider a smart folder with the old password as the search criteria to make shorter work of changing each login. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer, but I hope that helps.