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Software items

It would be really nice to add username and password fields to the software item. This would make it possible to store the login info for the vendor's site and the license info in one item. As it is, I need two items for nearly every software package. It's just one more field as you already have URL and a field suitable for user name.

In point of fact, I put all of the license info in one secure note. I'll probably change this to an attached text file for convenience. But, having separate items has many benefits for updating.


  • As mentioned in another thread, we hope to add various customization options in future versions of the entire 1Password line.

    Thanks for your patience!
  • Just to add onto this thread, I am also finding it a bit silly to have to have two separate records for credit cards and bank accounts, to name a couple of examples. IOW, credit cards also have logins for online access, so I need a Credit Card record AND a Login Record for each credit card. Seems redundant? Does it work this way in 1Password 3 for Mac?

  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='Paul Harris' timestamp='1296451399' post='19803']

    Does it work this way in 1Password 3 for Mac?

