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Chrome "application" modes

r0n1n Junior Member

I'm noticing frequent issues with having 1Password show a credentials selector when hitting the CTRL-\ shortcut when Google Chrome is running in "application" mode. The problem is that sometimes this shortcut works and other times it does not. I am able to reproduce the issue on Gmail and Outlook Web Access sites, for instance. Using Chrome in normal tabbed mode works reliably.

Would someone kindly advise and possibly look into this?

Many thanks!



Google Chrome 9.0.597.83 beta


  • Hi, Paul.

    Once I figured out how to launch Chrome in "application mode" ([font=monospace]C:\path\chrome.exe --app=full-URL[/font]), I was able to reproduce this on the Facebook login page, too.

    I'm not sure what can be done, but I'll mention it to the developer.

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
  • r0n1n
    r0n1n Junior Member
    My pleasure, and many thanks for considering this as an item to fix. The 'application' modes are a clever way to keep windows you always want open in their own spaces so you won't accidentally close when regularly surfing. I've found it to be very convenient, so far!


  • Hi Guys,

    Can i join the discussion, i am having problems in opening many sites on chrome i dont know what to install to get rid of this problem!!!
  • [quote name='Peterz' timestamp='1297597610' post='20533']

    Hi Guys,

    Can i join the discussion, i am having problems in opening many sites on chrome i dont know what to install to get rid of this problem!!!


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