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<div class="IPBDescription">Missing from Mac version</div>I recently started to move from Passport Wallet to 1Password, and in general find 1Passport a more fully featured program.

However one of the most useful features of PW, is the ability to auto type a username and password (or any other data) into a dialog box by selecting the entry in PW then moving to the program, document etc. that needed the data auto typing into it

You just hold down the Option key and the data is typed (not pasted) so it would work with any dialog box due to it expecting a keyboard entry

I think this feature is available on the Windows version, but at present I have to keep both programs updated with any name or password changes.

It can't be a restriction of the Mac OS as the folk at Selznick Scientific Software, that make PW have it working just fine.

Please try and implement it in your next version


Mike R


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Mike!

    This suggestion has come up from time to time. Thank you for letting us know it would be useful to you. We will look into improving this in a future update.
