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Knox preventing shutdown/restart

rob.h Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Attempts to shutdown result in Knox issuing console error messages</div>I have Knox 2.0.8 (135) installed on an early 2008 Mac Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.6.

I have a problem shutting down or restarting Snow Leopard which might be related to Knox, and it goes like this:

1. I choose Shutdown (or restart) from the Finder menu and nothing happens.

2. The following messages appear in the console with each attempt to shutdown or restart.

07/02/2011 08:22:25 Knox[3672] -[NSFileManager pathFromFSRef:] ERROR! CFURLCreateFromFSRef: Nil url!

3. As long as Knox is running, the machine seems to ignore the shutdown/restart request. There are no other error messages that I can see, other than the above.

4. If I quit Knox manually from it's menu, the machine will then shutdown or restart normally.

I have three relatively small (less than 2Gb) Knox volumes, which aren't mounted a lot of the time. I tend to only mount them when I want to safely store a software license file for example. I know this could be a complete coincidence, but it does seem strange that when I quit Knox I can then shutdown or restart my Mac, and that these error messages appear in the console at the same time.

Many thanks for any advice.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Rob,

    First I would try reinstalling Knox and restarting your Mac.

    Be sure to quit Knox and drag your existing copy of Knox to the Trash before copying over the newly downloaded version.

    If you are still having trouble, I will need to see some of your log files to see what's happening. Please send an email to and attach this file:

    Home > Library > Logs > Knox > Knox.log

    For some users, this file may not exist. Don't be alarmed if that's your situation as well.

    I'll also need to look at the other logs in the while you attempt to reproduce the problem with Knox. You can get these logs as follows:

    1. Launch which can be found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.

    2. Click the "Clear Display" button on the toolbar.

    3. Launch Knox and reproduce the problem. Then wait 15 seconds to let the Console refresh.

    4. Press Command-A to select all the logs and Command-C to copy them to your clipboard.

    5. After starting a reply to this email, press Command-V to paste the logs.

    Please send me these logs — be sure to include a link to this thread so we can "connect the dots" — and we'll try to help more.


    [color="#FF0000"]Please do not post the requested logs in the forums.[/color]
  • rob.h
    rob.h Junior Member
    Hi Khad,

    I'll try removing Knox completely and then re-installing it as you suggest. If the problem persists, I'll email you the log files as requested. Many thanks.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Rob,

    I just did a quick search in our e-mail support system for your e-mail address — the one with which you signed up for the forums — and didn't see an e-mail from you. Obviously you could have written in from a different e-mail address, but I was hoping it was a sign that the issue is resolved. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Please let me know. Cheers!