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IPassword for Windows Syncing Problem

<div class="IPBDescription">Syncing problem</div>I have 1Password for Windows PC and 1Password Pro on my iPad and iPhone. I also have dropbox so they all sync. I installed them about a month ago and everything worked/synced. However, this weekend I noticed that items that I placed in 1Password on my pc were not syncing to my iPad or iPhone. Nor were items that I placed on my iPad and iPhone syncing to my pc. However, items that I placed on my iPhone or iPad were syncing with each other. In short, my iPad and iPhone are syncing with each other but they are not syncing with my pc. It's very strange, at least to me. Can you help me find a solution to this problem?


  • Legaleagle, welcome to the forum!

    The most likely cause is that you still have a 1Password data folder (a.k.a. keychain) in your Dropbox folder hierarchy, so the 1Password app on both your iOS devices are using it; but somehow 1Password for Windows is using a different 1Password data folder.

    In 1Password for Windows, please choose Help > Send Diagnostic Report. In the e-mail message that appears, please paste a copy of your post so we'll know the problem you're reporting. As an alternative, you can paste a link to this forum topic:



    We'll be able to help you through e-mail.
